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Monday, October 25, 2010

What is a lie? Soon our TV stations broadcasting will be clean up. No, unfortunately there will be swearing, nudity, sexual situations, etc....... The constant lying of politicians will not be shown on their advertising. Politicians have told us that if you twist the truth, mis entrerpret the facts, or just bash your opponent it is ok. In court they "swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth". Even in court a carefully worded lie can become a truth. If a politician will lie on their ads, they will lie and cheat if elected because the voters have said it is ok to lie and cheat.
Both parties lie, because they can. When voting, here are a few other things to remember
- Who was President when the economy went south?
- Who was President when were an attempt a correction was made?
_ Who profits by war? (hint..Big business with government contracts)
- Why are millionaires running for public office?
_ Why didn't we learn from the great depression.
- What would happen if we got rid of the party system?

Friday, October 22, 2010

Lately I've been seeing alot of facebook activity about descrimination against gay and transgender people. People seem to think this is something new. First of all, discrimination is as old as the earth. Everyone get's discriminated against. All people, gay,straight, old, young, black, white, asian, nerds, geeks, blondes,rich, poor, smart, dumb and so on. Discrimination is not good, human yes, but it can be corrected.
People running for public office run ads that are decieving or down right lies. This is a form of discrimination as they try to trick votes from the uninformed. We discriminated everyday against the elderly and the handicapped. Those on welfare are discriminated against, those who are overwight or disfigured are discriminated against. Where someone lives, their lifestyle, their dress, their walk, their talk, are all forms of discrimination. We discriminate against those with bad credit reports,those with criminal records, and those who talk with accents.
Some people feel that if you disagree with their opinion, you are are discriminated against. If you don't think homosexuality is not right, people call you a homophobe. Many times it gets down to opinion and we all know what is said about opinions.
It comes down to the truth, telling the truth, and accepting the truth. How do you stop discrimination against one person and not discriminated against another person? Maybe just treat someone the way you want to be treated. Can it be that simple?