WOW Last year at this time we were still in Japan. One year later and we still can't absorb all that we saw and did.
The elections are over and still no one won. Once again the American people had the wool pulled over their eyes. The media made alot of money by trying to tell everyone how close a presidental race there would be. I kept trying to figure out how they were coming up with this? After the elections, the winner and still president by a large amount, President Obama. The media made a ton of money by falsly telling everyone that this was a close race. It's not wrong, it's called "Freedom of the press.". Both political parties were telling us how it was suppose to be close and they get away with the lie by saying "Freedom of Speach." Both sides lie about each other and it is protected by "Freedom of Opinions". I am reminded by the story of a Boy who cried wolf. How can we believe anybody when there is no honor in politics? That is simple, you don't have a say. Your vote is just a jesture. Capitalism, not your vote is running our government. Keep that wool pulled over your eyes, it's cold out there.