Its the start of the Memorial Day Weekend. Its a day that we honor our fallen soldiers and those who served in the armed forces. We also should recognize the Presidents who put them there. WWI, and WWII who obvious why the presidents put our soldiers in harms way. The Korean War I might have a big "maybe". Every war since then no one can explain without taking a political side. Lets just throw out the stupid reasons like, "WOMD, stop the Russians, stop the North Koreans, stop the North Vietnamese, stop Iraq, stop Iran, stop the terrorist, etc......
The bottom line is, war diverts our attention away from the things that count. Poverty in the United States, democracy gone wild, Run -away greed by big business and Politicians. We have concerts for "feed the world", while many go hungry here at home. We complain about Mexicans coming to America, yet we go where ever we please. We defend democracy abroad, but don't practice it here. We send missionaries to convert the world, but can't even pray in our own schools.
This Memorial Day lets remember why this country was founded and why these Soldiers had to die. Lets remember the Men and women that listened to their leader who said they were defending their country. Lets remember the Politicians, Democrat and Republican who murdered our soldiers since Korea. They are the ones laughing all the way to the bank, tripping over the bodies of the fallen soldiers.
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