Why am I so damn happy?
Someone asked me a few days ago If I was happy with my life. After fumbling for the right words, I came out with a not so convincing "Yes". I have now had a couple of days to think about it, and now my answer is "Hell yes". I am happy with my life, the life that God has blessed me with. Ever since I had my first heart attack I have wondered if I was happy. My wife and I live on disability, our retirement savings have been swindled away, we continue to fight health problems but God has blessed us in so many ways that I am happy with life.
Next year my wife and I will have been happily married 30 years. We have three wonderful children, their spouse, and one grand child that make us happy. We were not able to give them the silver spoon, so they each have to define their own lives. They have not resorted to lives of crime to support themselves, but are pulling themselves up. We as parents and grandparent can do what we can to help them, love them, and for that we are happy.
For 40 years I played piano in church, sang and directed choirs, and contributed my musical talents. This year I have had the chance to step back a watch. I am happy. For years I have served as elder, deacon, and volunteer leader of sundays schools, youth groups, and have seen the best and the worst that the church has to offer. Now I get a chance to sit back, and I am happy.
My wife and I have support other peoples children, in some cases helped raise them, and still have some of them call us Mom and Dad and for that I am happy.
My wife and I both have Jesus Christ as our lord and savior and we hope that we can share our joy with everyone.
Another reason I am happy come from the bible. In todays word of greed and capitalism these words are of great comfort.
"Love God, and your neighbor as yourself", and "It is easier for a camel to fit thru the eye of a needle then for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven".
When my day comes, and I stand before my maker, naked, no wealth or jewelry, my life opened up for everyone to see, and God looks at me and says "Don, How are you?". My response with be, "Lord, I am happy, My treasures of love for others I lay at your feet, and I feel great".
The next time you see a funeral for a rich man, take note of the Uhaul at the end. That also is not fitting thru the eye of a needle.
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