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Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Mama's, don't let your children grow up to be President.

Lets see, we have the Miss America, Mrs America, Miss universe and thousands of other competitions. They even have contest for babies, children, singers, animals, entertainers and the all in one competition called the run for President of the United States. What  all these have in common is that anyone can win.  There is no test......wait......the beauty contest are restricted to Women, and humans can't compete in animal contests but I'm not sure about animals running for President.  Three men running for President are named Newt, Mitt, and Barrack. It sounds like Doris Day calling her dogs.

There are people out there that want welfare recipients to take a urine test, but no one wants an intelligence test for those running for the highest office in the land.  The Republican don't want their money going to the poor, just to those running for public office. The Democrats don't want big money to influence government unless it is supporting their election process. 

How can a person running for president , be opposed to hate crime, and run the hate ads like those in the Florida primary. I guess white lies are ok if you are running for president..


hyundai indianapolis said...

Three men running for President are named Newt, Mitt, and Barrack. It sounds like Doris Day calling her dogs.

ChickPool said...

My husband and I agree with you 100%!

ChickPool said...

My husband and I agree with you 100%!