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Monday, December 17, 2012

Guns and People

Basically we have a problem. The problem is people and guns. Yes, I understand the overused phrase of Guns don't kill, people kill. That is as stupid as saying nuclear weapons don't kill. people do, or anthrax doesn't, people do, cars don't kill people do. etc..... i don't believe that banning all guns is the answer as much as I don't believe that closing schools are the answer because they are targets of opportunity. I absolutely do not agree with bringing more weapons into the school. Years ago people and booze didn't mix very well and we saw how useless prohibition was. Instead of banning booze, we tried to put some control on it. We still have a problem with alcohol and it's misuse as well as we do with guns and their misuse. I would be the first person to stand up and support a person right to guns as it pertains to sport and self protection. Putting armed people in a classroom just escalates the chance of violence and death and in the Connecticut case, how many children would have died in the crossfire. The problem is still there. We have been taught in society that our rights supersedes everyone Else's right. We have been taught by our leaders that might makes right and then hand the guns to those people. We tell other countries that we need to take their weapon, and we keep arming our soldier, children, and civilians. Yes, both issues need to be addressed. Our safety and education of our children need to come first. Don't take away funding, recreate a safe and successful education system at whatever the cost. Might makes right backed up by weapons is not the answers.

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