The Detroit Lions. Just saying those words make you chuckle. For those of you who are sports fans, you might start to hear a familiar chant. "Fire Millan". Matt Millan is the general manager of the Detroit Lions. He is the one who does the hiring and firing. He has fired two coaches so far and hired three. The Lions still fail to achieve. After every failure, Matt blames the coaches, the players, the media, and everyone else he can. He is the ultimate plitician.
I have been a Lions fan all my life. Every year I am optomistic that the Lions willa break out with a great season. Every year us fans are saying, "wait til next year."
What is wrong with the Lions? The defense looks very sound, and the offense(on paper) is as good as any other team, yet here we sit at 0-2.
The new coach, Ron Marrinelli, is a hard task master. He emphasizes teaching them to do it right. When the players don't do it right, he blames himself for not teaching properly. He emphasizes team play, and will not critisize players. In other words he and the players are tough while singing Kumbiya and getting the Heck kicked out of them. I realize that the two teams that we played are the tops in the league. We played Seattle tough, but lost. We didn't even show up against the Bears. This week we play the Packers (0-2), and will find a way to loose this one.
Three of the Lions top draft choices are gone, washed out, or deep in the bench, or doghouse. The Lions have never had a stable quarterback. See if you can remember all the QB's. Harrington, Mc MaMahn,Batch,Garcia, Krammer, Mitchell, Reed, Danilson, Landry, Munson, Ferguson,Ware,Sweetan,and many more. Non of these are big names.
The running backs are a little better because of Barry Sanders, Sims, and Steve Owens, but only Sanders stayed long enough. Because of the lack of quality at QB., the reciever list is even shorter.
Look at all the head coaches that have graced the sideline. Remember Wayne Fonts? when you finish laughing, he had the best winning percentage of all past Lion coaches.
Two games into the season I can say with confidence, wait till next year. Every team knows the west coast offence, so the Lions bring in the West Coast offense. Everyone knows Mike Marc offense, so they bring in Mike Marcs. Every offense has figured out the TampaBay Defense, so they bring in the intentor of that defense. The Lions have nothing new to worry the opposition.
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