Car Insurance. In Michigan you must have it. That is the good idea. Do you remember the good ole days when it was your driving record and type of car you have that dictated your premiums. For the middle to upperclass, car insurance is not problem. What make it difficult for the rest of us is credit based insurance. If you've had a perfect driving record for your whole driving life, but your credit score come up short, you will pay the max. In other words the less you make, the more you pay. Poor people paying for the rich. Another reason why the rich get richer. Insurance companies use the bogas reasoning that the credit score will forcast how you are driving. This is another reason why we should have Govt. control insurance. We are the Govt.
I have never had an accident, but due to major medical problems during the last four years, my credit has been hit bad. I now pay major premiums because of my credit score. ( I have no violations). My driving is still good if not better, but I am a higher risk.
Lets hear your response.
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