Hang on to your boot straps, it's another Christmas holiday shopping season. Retailers have geared up to bombard to with everything. Every commercial break will have Christmas ads. Every store you walk in will have Christmas music, and Bing Crosby singing, "I'm dreaming of a white Christmas". Contrary to John Lenon, God is not dead. Bing is dead and his music is still being played. We use to be thankful at Thanksgiving that there were no Christmas commercials until after Thanksgiving. There are many things that I am thankful for on Thanksgiving.
1- I will not be getting lead painted toys from China.
2- Instead of the same old Christmas lights on the houses, we can look at for sale signs and foreclosure notices.
3- We won't have to worry about those long lines at Christmas. Most people can't afford Christmas. If you miss the lines, you can stand in the food lines, I understand they are getting longer
4- They decided not to have a turkey in the white house at thanksgiving. To many turkeys already
5- With gas prices skyrocketing, that sleigh ride to grandmas house might be the way to go.
I am thankful that Christmas is a celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. Santa may be struggling, but I'm sure that God is busy listening to prayers this Christmas season.
Well I guess that I have a way to go to get into the Christmas season. I guess I will work on Thanksgiving first.
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