We all look forward to the summer and this year is almost the same. Warm breezes, sunny days, green grass, birds chirping and the smell of grilling. We have had a long winter with record snow, school closings, ice, and grey skies. Don't get too excited. High gas prices, high food prices, high unemployment, and this depression is putting a damper on our summer enjoyment. Yes, I said the word depression. If it looks like a depression, smells like a depression, has all the markings of a depression you can call it a depression. Politicians and others want to call it a recession, but they are not facing reality. The the rich, it may only be a recession, but to the middle class and poor it is a depression. Politician feel that if they keep calling it a recession long enough, everyone will call it a recession. Their jobs would be in jeopardy if it were called a depression. This would mean that they are not doing the job that we elected them to do.
President Bush came up with a real lame idea. Let give money back to stimulate the economy and help out those who are struggling. Sound great? Hold on to your horses. Those people who need it the most are up to their eyeball and debt, on unemployment and social security. These people will have the money withheld for overdue student loans, back taxes, and anything else that they owe. While this may help them trim their debt, it is not putting food on their tables or helping them save their homes. Many of those of SSI, and disability really need help, but their checks were cut in half. So if this stimulus check is there to help, it is there to help those who don't need help. It gives the wealthy a few dollars to put back into the economy to build up big business as a hole.
Folks, don't fool yourself. This is a depression. Look what caused the last depression and compare it to what is causing this depression. The words you are looking for is greed and speculation. Fuel prices are fueled by speculation. The dollar is fueled by speculation, the economy is fueled by speculation, everything is fueled by speculation and speculator are the ones making the money.
Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is great, but gouging your fellow man for greater profit is not what our founding fathers had in mind. WE now have two classes of people, just like Communism. Check out those similarities.
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