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Thursday, December 04, 2008

I met a friend at the doctors office yesterday. You know you are getting old when you meet friends at doctors offices. This friend of mine had hurt his finger in his garage door, and all those broken finger jokes came rushing back. I held my tongue and did not share my lack of intelligence. Why is it that some of us will try to crack a joke at someones misfortune. Are we cruel by nature, or do we think that this is a way to cheer someone up. My friend, a man a great intelligence,would have laughed along because of his gregarious nature and kind soul, but I'm sure his finger still will hurt after all the jokes are told. I think that it might be that little devil in me because I know he will read this and have to respond with his finger either sutured or in a splint and that could cause a chuckle or two as he tries to type out a response.

1 comment:

Clif Martin said...

I show my damaged middle finger, in a splint and wrapped in bright purple tape to everyone I meet. I must be careful not to point the finger upward.