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Friday, June 26, 2009

Yesterday, two people in the entertainment industry died. Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson. Most of the attention goes to a black pedophile over a white christian. Michael didn't want to be black, didn't want to be a grown up, and played with children and prescription drugs. But wait, he was an entertainer so that makes up for everything. Even when he admitted that he slept with children, he bought his way out of trouble. By the time the results of the autopsy are in, we will know that he abused prescription drugs and his heart couldn't take it. Elvis Presley syndrome. Farrah, on the other hand, fought a courageous battle against cancer. She would be alive today if she had agreed to a colostomy. She decided to get treatment outside the United States because it wasn't approved here. This was called, "The Steve Mcqueen syndrome." They both made beautiful corpses.

1 comment:

Clif Martin said...

You are one gutsy blogger.