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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Finger pointing in Muskegon

Crime is up and the fingers are pointing. The politicians just had their finger pointing time, and now every other person can add in their digit. First of all they blame the kids, their parents, and their environment. Although there is some truth in these things, they are still not the cure. Electing new people doesn't help.
Pete Hoekstra might blame the government and for once he might be right, but this might mean making the government bigger. I said bigger, not stronger, and more economical. Combining police services with all our little kingdoms would make sense since most of the violence spreads out. The Heights has proven time and time again that they can't handle their own city. Greed and corruption is in every part of their city. It's not the city's people, but those who take advantage of a weak structure. This ranges from business, to officials, and down to the gangs. Muskegon itself has the same problems. The bigger the city, the bigger the problem. Gangs are just imitating big business and everything is down to dollar and cents. The city of Muskegon, to save money, has eliminated street light which will increase crime.
If everyone would turn on one light at night, that would be one less place to be hidden from view. One last place for criminals to hide. Unfortuantly there are not enough lights to see what our elected officials are doing.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Ground Zero rules

The stupidity continues. Build a Masque at ground zero in New York? First of all, the proposed masque is blocks away. Let's just build a bridge to no where from one side to the other. Lets put up another image to worship capitalism. How about an area dedicated to fast food restaurants.
These were buildings that were destroyed by war, same as millions of buildings around the world. It is hard to find a piece of ground that hasn't been effected by war. Maybe we can say that the weapons of mass destruction are buried at the site and all our soldiers should be called home to search the site. More of our people are being killed by our search for WMD then were killed on that fateful day. Our leaders have more death on their hands than these nut jobs that flew the planes.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Bailing out the Unions

Now that wall street, big business, insurance companies have been bailed out the world should be ok. Wrong. There is a rumor out there that one of the unions might need a bail out. Those that we have bailed out continue to lay off workers, ship jobs over seas, pay executive huge bonus, receive tax breaks, and make current workers work in sweatshop like conditions. Now that a union might get financial help to do it's job, these people a furious. That is a great question and the answer is, we can't. We also can't bail out companies, give the rich tax breaks, and definitely can't raise taxes because our businesses are overseas and our unemployed people can't pay them. We can't pay our teachers with money we don't have. We can't have medical coverage with money we don't have. We, the people are telling the rich and greedy that it is time to pay up. No more free rides for the upper class, and tax credits for business. Churches and charitable organization will all have to pay taxes because no one gets a free ride. That is the right wing mantra. Pete Hoekstra ran for governor on not letting the government get in the way and he is now unemployed waiting for his bailout for serving in congress. Cut him off, we don't have money to support ex congressmen.
I'm not mad, just shaking my head in disbelief and the feeble right wing attack on the only President that has been trying to support the people of America. The rich, and poor, tired, sick and healthy. Leftist, you're not much better.

Friday, August 13, 2010


Well I don't exactly live in the hood, but I don't live on easy street. Living in the city of Muskegon is exciting, for a small town. All smaller towns have their problems and Muskegon is no different. The unemployment is actually above 25% if you take into consideration of those whose unemployment has run out, or those who lost their jobs and don't get unemployment. Gasoline is always more expensive because the station owners know that you won't drive to the big city to save money on gas. Property values have gone down, and business have left for the big cities. People want to bring in a casino to take away more of our money. State aid is on a trickle down theory, big cities get the money first, and you can imagine how far down the list we are on the federal list. As small towns go, we are on our own.
Criminals are preying on the already strapped people and others are shooting people in broad daylight. Why stay? One person can help get things going, and why not start with me?
In Muskegon, we have only one cable company and they know it. Prices continue to rise and service continues to decline. Cable prices are twice that of a large city, and until another cable company is allowed in town, there will be no competition and prices will sore.
Corner gas stations with shopping are on most corners. The food is high priced, if you don't like it, buy it somewhere else.
I thought it was wonderful when the food truck came to town to help out those who are struggling. I then saw that most of the food was outdated or alot of lima beans.
We have a beautiful shoreline with fresh water, when the waste of major companies aren't washing up on the shores. We clean up one mess while another is being polluted.
We had an air fair that drew people from all over the state and nation. The organizers then banned people from bringing in food, and started charging outrageous prices for food and drink. Air fair is gone.
We have Summer Celebration, two weeks of music and fair grounds. Now you have to pay to get in the shows just to walk on the fairground. High priced food also.

I still love our town because of the people. These people understand what is happening in our country much better then those in the big cities. We know a lie when we see it. We are accustomed to having the screws put to us and yet we survive.
The great trickle down theory is the waste coming down the Grand River. Don't worry, we will clean it up from the money that is trickled down.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

America wants.............

How many time have you heard someone say this line. Example is "America doesn't want free health care". The minute I hear someone say this line, I tune them out or turn them off. I am sure if all Americans were offered free health care they would take it. Now I have stumbled into this idiocy. Have I talk to every American to get their opinion? No, so don't lay that line on me. Don't try to tell me about polls, because if polls were accurate, Dewey and Al Gore would have been president. Also to remember, if it's free, it's costing you something. Nothing is free.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


The most ridiculous thing I hear everyday is people wanting less government. The smartest thing Ive heard is people wanting less government. How can you have both?
It is so easy it is frightening. Eliminate the IRS and have a standard sales tax on everything. No one can be tax exempt and everything you buy is taxed at the same rate for all things. Give the president a line item veto. With this in place you could have your worries disappear. The government will be able to finance health care, school k- college, and all local projects. The government would need less then half it's budget to run with Congress and Senate returning to part time. More jobs would be created.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Emotional Hoarding was brought out on Today show. They right away say that it is not a recognized by the experts as a disorder. Extreme emotional hoarding can be recognized as depression. Still the "experts" sat and discussed how holding a grudge can be called emotional hoarding. If you are really pissed at someone and don't "get over it" you are an emotional hoarding. If I am overweight, am I an fat hoarder? If I am over tanned am I a tan hoarder. Best of all, if I have love for everyone, am I a love hoarder?
Once again the news is manufactured. I now have to go to the bathroom so I don't get accused of SHT hoarding.

Monday, August 09, 2010

New start for a new week. I need to get a lot done this week. I need to finish up the front porch when the rain stops. Liz and I need to get to the Y to work out everyday.
My prayer request list.
1- Family
2- Bob and Patsy as they grow old together and struggle with dementia
3- Louie recovering from heart surgery
4- Louie's pastor who has throat cancer
5- Louies wife and her hip problems
6- Jack and Justan
7- Lea and her mom and dad
8- Bob S. in dealing with PTS from Vietnam

Keep these and many more in your prayers. Pray for our country and for those who defend her.

Saturday, August 07, 2010

I got around the blocked site of the so called Atheist who claimed he didn't block me, wouldn't block me and that I'm a liar Here is the direct quote from his facebook.
Finally blocked the creationist. Weeks wasted and I've had my fill of pigeons. Back to work and studying.
July 31 at 10:30am · View Feedback (7)Hide Feedback (7)
Jack Adams and 3 others like this..
Benjamin Fisher I can only hope that the other debate in which we seem to be engaged is more productive. Damn that was frustrating.
July 31 at 6:46pm.Justin Stressman Well, I've just reposted all those comments in full on several of his other comments where he was avoiding dealing with the original smackdown. And just to drive the point home, I posted them directly on his wall. So not only should he see ...them right there at the top, but so should all of his friends.

He really doesn't have much choice now but to either blatantly and very clearly ignore them, or try to do some Pigeon-esque absurd denial of the whole shebang.

I'm assuming it'll be the latter.See More
August 1 at 1:05am.Benjamin Fisher So that's where the 19 notifications came from... makes sense now.

Point made? Here's the proof.
What is a true Atheist. I have not meet many true Atheist. Most of the loud people who try to promote Atheism are not really Atheist. These are a fringe element that usually have psychological problems, and they they mask it by trying to tell the world about the "religion " called Atheism. I have dealt with this type on my blog before and they are usually rude and feel they have all the answers when in fact they are suffering from family problems that they want to blame on someone else other then themselves. This is more of a sickness then anything else. True Atheist believe there is no God, period. They don't want to be refereed to as a religion and don't get into arguments about the validity of what they believe. They don't post idiotic post about anti Christian things, they just don't believe there is a God. The fake Atheist tries to destroy what they don't believe and the true science field tries to separate themselves from these people. They claim to have science on their side to try and boaster their unfounded opinion.
The two "Atheist" that I had been talking with on facebook have blocked me out of their site, even though they claim they haven't. Their philosophy is like a child holding their hands over their ears. Cult groups that come around our neighborhood to try and convert people, avoid our house like the plague because I invite them in and share the bible with them. When they quote a Bible text, I pause them, look it up, and read it back to them. The truth is not what they are planning on
When you try to promote Atheism over religion, you are considering Atheism as a religion and then must be treated as a religion which the true Atheist doesn't want. They just don't believe in God and don't want relegion forced on them. Don't let the psychologically challenge people try to tell you they are Atheist when all they need is psyciatric help.
A perfect example of the educational value of these people was posted on Facebook via YouTube, Some backwoods fellow tries to intimidate with with the same thing I've been telling you about. If you call them to task, they will say, Oh, its a joke, don't you have a humor? This person truely shows the problems of a relegious Atheist. This poor guy calls anyone who doesn't believe the way he does, all kinds of names. It is so fun to watch these people stumble all over themselves. Some of these people are actually educator teaching your children. Scary isn't it?

Friday, August 06, 2010

Friendship ~ None of that Sissy Shit

Are you tired of those sissy 'friendship' poems that always sound good, but never actually come close to reality?

Well, here is a series of promises that actually speak of true friendship.

You will see no cute little smiley faces on this ~ Just the stone cold truth of our great friendship.

1.. When you are sad ~ I will help you get drunk and plot revenge against the sorry bastard who made you sad.

2. When you are blue ~ I will try to dislodge whatever is choking you.

3 When you smile ~ I will know you are thinking of something that I would probably want to be involved in.

4. When you are scared ~ I will rag on you about it every chance I get until you're NOT.

5. When you are worried ~ I will tell you horrible stories about how much worse it could be until you quit whining.

6. When you are confused ~ I will try to use only little words.

7.. When you are sick~ Stay the hell away from me until you are well again. I don't want whatever you have.

8. When you fall ~ I will laugh at your clumsy ass, but I'll help you up.

9. This is my oath .... I pledge it to the end. 'Why?' you may ask ~ because you are my friend.

Friendship is like peeing your pants, everyone can see it, but only you
can feel the true warmth.

Monday, August 02, 2010

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Monday, first day of the week, fresh slate, not another Monday until next week. This is the last days of political ads, thank God, and then we don't have to hear their B.S. for a while.
We are picking up my son from Indianapolis and bringing him here for 2 weeks, then he will return to Japan. This will be the first time he gets to hold his nephew and he is excited about that.
The Detroit Tigers have the day off so no loss today.