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Saturday, August 07, 2010

What is a true Atheist. I have not meet many true Atheist. Most of the loud people who try to promote Atheism are not really Atheist. These are a fringe element that usually have psychological problems, and they they mask it by trying to tell the world about the "religion " called Atheism. I have dealt with this type on my blog before and they are usually rude and feel they have all the answers when in fact they are suffering from family problems that they want to blame on someone else other then themselves. This is more of a sickness then anything else. True Atheist believe there is no God, period. They don't want to be refereed to as a religion and don't get into arguments about the validity of what they believe. They don't post idiotic post about anti Christian things, they just don't believe there is a God. The fake Atheist tries to destroy what they don't believe and the true science field tries to separate themselves from these people. They claim to have science on their side to try and boaster their unfounded opinion.
The two "Atheist" that I had been talking with on facebook have blocked me out of their site, even though they claim they haven't. Their philosophy is like a child holding their hands over their ears. Cult groups that come around our neighborhood to try and convert people, avoid our house like the plague because I invite them in and share the bible with them. When they quote a Bible text, I pause them, look it up, and read it back to them. The truth is not what they are planning on
When you try to promote Atheism over religion, you are considering Atheism as a religion and then must be treated as a religion which the true Atheist doesn't want. They just don't believe in God and don't want relegion forced on them. Don't let the psychologically challenge people try to tell you they are Atheist when all they need is psyciatric help.
A perfect example of the educational value of these people was posted on Facebook via YouTube, Some backwoods fellow tries to intimidate with with the same thing I've been telling you about. If you call them to task, they will say, Oh, its a joke, don't you have a humor? This person truely shows the problems of a relegious Atheist. This poor guy calls anyone who doesn't believe the way he does, all kinds of names. It is so fun to watch these people stumble all over themselves. Some of these people are actually educator teaching your children. Scary isn't it?

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