The Muskegon Chronicle made me laugh.
In the opinion section of the paper, the editor was trying to explain that newspapers do not take sides, they just report. I about fell off my chair. My reply would be, Who did the Muskegon chronicle endorse in the last election?
The tea party says it wants to bring back democracy, but their president says that they will not compromise on anything.
The unions are for the poor people. The NFL will go on strike because the rich owners can't come to a deal with the rich players. It's only a game.
A democrat party member confirmed that we are also in Libia looking for WMD's. Maybe while we are there we can look for Ben Ladden.
A news reporter claimed that the only thing worse then the lose of life in Japan, is the economic devastation.
There are people out there who claim that nothing good happens when government interfere with business. This statement has to be the most ridiculous. Abraham Lincoln interfered with business by abolishing slavery. Without government regulations in the work place, we could bring back the good ole sweatshops and cheap Irish labor.
Answer a question for me. Standing in line at the grocery store is a women with two shopping carts full of supplies. She pays for all of it using five bridge cards. There was nothing in any of the carts that would suggest that she had children.
At Burger King you can have it your way, but in politics you have to compromise.
They don't take sides? They just report?
The irony is infuriating - it is so sweet to be able to sit back and smile knowingly that it is all a charade and we are all just bit players in some cruel comedy.
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