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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Save us from ourselves

I have enjoyed the last month or so just listening to the parties and their effort to raise the debt ceiling. They look like a bunch of blind monkeys looking to follow someone. Any positive move for economy would lose political power. The rich pay too much or too little, the poor are feeding of the hardworking Americans, the retired people are supporting the whole system with their retirement money, Social security is in trouble, and for some reason we are spending more then we take in, and it's all someone Else's fault. Well......I believe its the system that is at fault, not everyone else.
The fix is very simple.......stop spending more then we make. Our representatives, the people we elect into office need to use their brain. Instead they keep signing billions of dollars of pork while yelling ,"Save us from ourselves". Here is a good start, put down the pen. If any bills have pork, don't sign.
Social security is fine. It needs some fixes, but it is the strongest unit we have in the USA. Money has be used from this fund to help everyone else and was never meant to be drawn on for any other debt. It is an insurance fund that we pay into it for retirement and disability. That is what insurance does. We pay into it to be able to receive if needed.
Many people believe that eliminating unemployment,food stamps, and other forms of help will balance the budget. They want to kick these people into the streets with no new jobs in the market. This would be disastrous. Why not use these people who are collecting money and are able to work, give them local jobs. This has worked before.

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