I am confussed. The republicans want to cut our social security, tax our retierment, take away our voice via the unions, cut social programs like medicaid and food assistance. Let's see, those who are disabled and too old to work will have to find work in a market where there are no jobs. After big business was given bail outs and tax breaks, they turn around and ship jobs abroad, and raise prices on good and service and make huge profits. By raising prices, less people can afford their products, so they lay off more people...... Middle class and lower. You have to be more educated to get better jobs, but the cost of college education continues to rise out of reach. Grade school and high school education is being cut and no corrections being made.........wait....they are using China's business model. China is in the proccess of weeding out their poor people and infirmed people. China has sponsored the building of cities where the poor use to live, employing them to build it, and then pricing it too high for them to buy it.
When August 3 come around and there is no SSI checks, you will know that they have once again raided your Social Security again. Home forclosure will be on the rise again but that won't hurt the rich. Food lines will reach around the country, but the rich will eat just fine. They earned it.
Why rip on the rich? Without the rich there wouldn't be any jobs in this country at all. Where do you think the jobs in this country come from? Also, the top 2% of the wealthy pay 98% of all the taxes used by the United States. Some of this money fund social services and other programs that help the less fortunate. This tax money also fund schools and the military. If the rich want to eat, I say let them eat what ever they want and thank them for what we have. All the government does is tax and spend. Democrats and Republicans alike. Oh, regarding jobs going overseas.... Look up what party facilitated NAFTA in the 90's that started this whole trend..... Democrats.
All that anyone wants is a egual field when paying in taxes. I'm not ripping the rich, because I know that they have an important job in our economy.
You are correct when you say we need to straighten out Democrats and Republicans. Right now, the system is broke. I could throw a bunch of figures at you to defend one side against the other. My next blog will shed some light on it.
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