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Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy fathers day to my dad. He has been gone for a while now, but he still lives on in my heart. Happy fathers day to my son Don. His first child is not due for a few months, but I believe that he is a father. Happy fathers day to my son in law Chris. He is a great fathers to Vinny. Happy fathers day to Sean (tieson). Tieson is my "grand dog".
I have had the pleasure of being a father to many, my own kids, and those that I have adopted or friened.
Most of all is my Happy Fathers Day to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. God, every ones father, he who is both loved and hated, and still give his unconditional love to all. To all the fathers out there, happy fathers day. May you continue to love your children unconditionally.

1 comment:

Marley's Mom said...

Watch these 3 sisters sing at