Basically we have a problem. The problem is people and guns. Yes, I understand the overused phrase of Guns don't kill, people kill. That is as stupid as saying nuclear weapons don't kill. people do, or anthrax doesn't, people do, cars don't kill people do. etc..... i don't believe that banning all guns is the answer as much as I don't believe that closing schools are the answer because they are targets of opportunity. I absolutely do not agree with bringing more weapons into the school. Years ago people and booze didn't mix very well and we saw how useless prohibition was. Instead of banning booze, we tried to put some control on it. We still have a problem with alcohol and it's misuse as well as we do with guns and their misuse. I would be the first person to stand up and support a person right to guns as it pertains to sport and self protection. Putting armed people in a classroom just escalates the chance of violence and death and in the Connecticut case, how many children would have died in the crossfire. The problem is still there. We have been taught in society that our rights supersedes everyone Else's right. We have been taught by our leaders that might makes right and then hand the guns to those people. We tell other countries that we need to take their weapon, and we keep arming our soldier, children, and civilians. Yes, both issues need to be addressed. Our safety and education of our children need to come first. Don't take away funding, recreate a safe and successful education system at whatever the cost. Might makes right backed up by weapons is not the answers.
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Monday, December 17, 2012
Friday, December 14, 2012
I WANT THAT........... Sitting with my grandson, Vinny, we were reading the many toy ads that come in the paper. In wide eye amazement he would say that same phrase, "I want that". Every toy, except Barbie doll would bring that phrase even louder. When Vinny and I would go shopping together, all I would hear is, "I want that". Now, Vinny is 2 1/2 years old and has no concept of money, or the reason why he can't have everything. I just have to smile and remember that he is only a child and that when he get older, he will understand. Along with this life lesson he will also learn to share as he grows up.
What made me think of this? Michigan's right to work legislation, the fiscal cliff and the constant battle between Democrats and Republicans. I am proud to say that my grandson is much more educated then many of these people. Everyone votes with the phrase, "I want that" in the back of their mind. If their party wins, chances are better that they will get what they want. If their party loses, there will be years of temper tantrums. If things go wrong, there is plenty of finger pointing and blame to go around. The rich want their money and don't want to share, and the poor want their money and will gladly share what is not theirs. Everyone is well aware of their rights, and believe they deserve it even if it violates someone Else's rights.
I personally believe that I have no rights entitled to me. As a sinner, the only thing I want is the love of a forgiving God. I have tried to be the best person possible, I have tried to be the best father and husband, and grandfather. I have tried to help when I could, and am thankful for the help of friends and family. Health problems have slowed my wife and I, so instead of working, we spend the day watching our grandchildren. The only thing that we want for it, is that our children and grandchildren will pass it forward.
In 2013, the fiscal cliff may hit the United States. With this will come the elimination of social security. welfare, and all "entitlement" programs. My wife and I who are on disability will be without any income. The people who have plenty have said, "I WANT THAT". The people who have experienced great health want to keep it to themselves. Those who have been born with a "Gold spoon in their mouth", want to make sure that no one gets a handout. Those who have received these gifts from God are saying, "I WANT THAT AND I DON'T WANT TO SHARE". Do you know what I have to say to these people? THANK YOU.
I say thank you because it has helped me to realize the great gifts that God has given me, and that when I pass on, you may have all my earthly wealth that is left. I can't afford the Uhaul to take it with me, and since I plan on being cremated, there will be no room in a casket to stuff my money. I know that when I reach the pearly gates, there won't be a monetary toll both. For the first time, only God will judge me and his judgment won't be based on assumption or a poll of one or two people. I know there won't be people pointing at each other in judgement . Yes, that is what, I WANT", and I'll be glad to share.
What made me think of this? Michigan's right to work legislation, the fiscal cliff and the constant battle between Democrats and Republicans. I am proud to say that my grandson is much more educated then many of these people. Everyone votes with the phrase, "I want that" in the back of their mind. If their party wins, chances are better that they will get what they want. If their party loses, there will be years of temper tantrums. If things go wrong, there is plenty of finger pointing and blame to go around. The rich want their money and don't want to share, and the poor want their money and will gladly share what is not theirs. Everyone is well aware of their rights, and believe they deserve it even if it violates someone Else's rights.
I personally believe that I have no rights entitled to me. As a sinner, the only thing I want is the love of a forgiving God. I have tried to be the best person possible, I have tried to be the best father and husband, and grandfather. I have tried to help when I could, and am thankful for the help of friends and family. Health problems have slowed my wife and I, so instead of working, we spend the day watching our grandchildren. The only thing that we want for it, is that our children and grandchildren will pass it forward.
In 2013, the fiscal cliff may hit the United States. With this will come the elimination of social security. welfare, and all "entitlement" programs. My wife and I who are on disability will be without any income. The people who have plenty have said, "I WANT THAT". The people who have experienced great health want to keep it to themselves. Those who have been born with a "Gold spoon in their mouth", want to make sure that no one gets a handout. Those who have received these gifts from God are saying, "I WANT THAT AND I DON'T WANT TO SHARE". Do you know what I have to say to these people? THANK YOU.
I say thank you because it has helped me to realize the great gifts that God has given me, and that when I pass on, you may have all my earthly wealth that is left. I can't afford the Uhaul to take it with me, and since I plan on being cremated, there will be no room in a casket to stuff my money. I know that when I reach the pearly gates, there won't be a monetary toll both. For the first time, only God will judge me and his judgment won't be based on assumption or a poll of one or two people. I know there won't be people pointing at each other in judgement . Yes, that is what, I WANT", and I'll be glad to share.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Michigan unions can RIP. That is what union people are crying after the govenor signed the "Right to work" bill. Next there will be funerals for the great UAW and other big unions. Michigan killed the unions.
I don't know how to break this to you, but the unions have been dead for quite awhile. Look at the abandoned plants in Detroit, Flint, Saginaw and other union strongholds. I have never been a member of a union, but there were times when I wish I were. Unions were a "gift" to the American working class people who were taken advantage by the "Vanderbilts and Carnages" of the world. The unions broke the slave labor mentality that come with wealth gained by the few at the working expense of the many. The union gave fair labor wages, safe working condition, and a better working atmosphere where non existed. Life was good for all people who gladly worked, and with pride in there work place. Then something terrible happened. The unions felt that everyone needed the help of the unions and that workers should get everything for nothing. They felt that the most menial worker should get the same pay as the CEOs of those companies. It no longer was what is fair, but how much they could get. Those same fences that the unions tore down were being rebuilt with a union sticker. Those factories that the unions help build build, are now laying in rubble, those workers are on unemployment and welfare. The unions have raided their retirement funds and the local union halls are no longer the lavish lounges were union worker exchanged war stories. In the work place, big business is back in control and working conditions are getting worse. Minimum wage jobs are now shipped abroad, and the assembly line is now a thing of the past. Technology and education has surpassed sweat and hard work. The nest step will be that big business will run our education system and those big business will get to pick and choose their own people. I realise that I painted this picture with very large brush strokes, but basically it is all true, with one exception. The unions are not dead yet. The unions are still needed, the unions are still wanted, but in a different and better role. The old model is dead and needs to be re invented. Our education system is the base of all work and new technology. This is where the union is needed to bring us back to educational excellence. This is where the unions can influence big business to invest in their future, our children's education. The unions can break the oil and petroleum lock that big business has wrapped us in. Educate the people that oil is not a replenishing supply that will never run out. Wind energy and other alternative fuels supplies can help balance the work force again with the help of a union. Instead of trying to squeeze the money out of big business, create new work that can benefit everyone. Let these big oil companies choke on their diminishing supply of oil and be part of a new America.
Hey Unions, instead of forcing people to become members, make them want to be a part of a new union movement. You still have the chance.
I don't know how to break this to you, but the unions have been dead for quite awhile. Look at the abandoned plants in Detroit, Flint, Saginaw and other union strongholds. I have never been a member of a union, but there were times when I wish I were. Unions were a "gift" to the American working class people who were taken advantage by the "Vanderbilts and Carnages" of the world. The unions broke the slave labor mentality that come with wealth gained by the few at the working expense of the many. The union gave fair labor wages, safe working condition, and a better working atmosphere where non existed. Life was good for all people who gladly worked, and with pride in there work place. Then something terrible happened. The unions felt that everyone needed the help of the unions and that workers should get everything for nothing. They felt that the most menial worker should get the same pay as the CEOs of those companies. It no longer was what is fair, but how much they could get. Those same fences that the unions tore down were being rebuilt with a union sticker. Those factories that the unions help build build, are now laying in rubble, those workers are on unemployment and welfare. The unions have raided their retirement funds and the local union halls are no longer the lavish lounges were union worker exchanged war stories. In the work place, big business is back in control and working conditions are getting worse. Minimum wage jobs are now shipped abroad, and the assembly line is now a thing of the past. Technology and education has surpassed sweat and hard work. The nest step will be that big business will run our education system and those big business will get to pick and choose their own people. I realise that I painted this picture with very large brush strokes, but basically it is all true, with one exception. The unions are not dead yet. The unions are still needed, the unions are still wanted, but in a different and better role. The old model is dead and needs to be re invented. Our education system is the base of all work and new technology. This is where the union is needed to bring us back to educational excellence. This is where the unions can influence big business to invest in their future, our children's education. The unions can break the oil and petroleum lock that big business has wrapped us in. Educate the people that oil is not a replenishing supply that will never run out. Wind energy and other alternative fuels supplies can help balance the work force again with the help of a union. Instead of trying to squeeze the money out of big business, create new work that can benefit everyone. Let these big oil companies choke on their diminishing supply of oil and be part of a new America.
Hey Unions, instead of forcing people to become members, make them want to be a part of a new union movement. You still have the chance.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Blinded by the Wool
WOW Last year at this time we were still in Japan. One year later and we still can't absorb all that we saw and did.
The elections are over and still no one won. Once again the American people had the wool pulled over their eyes. The media made alot of money by trying to tell everyone how close a presidental race there would be. I kept trying to figure out how they were coming up with this? After the elections, the winner and still president by a large amount, President Obama. The media made a ton of money by falsly telling everyone that this was a close race. It's not wrong, it's called "Freedom of the press.". Both political parties were telling us how it was suppose to be close and they get away with the lie by saying "Freedom of Speach." Both sides lie about each other and it is protected by "Freedom of Opinions". I am reminded by the story of a Boy who cried wolf. How can we believe anybody when there is no honor in politics? That is simple, you don't have a say. Your vote is just a jesture. Capitalism, not your vote is running our government. Keep that wool pulled over your eyes, it's cold out there.
The elections are over and still no one won. Once again the American people had the wool pulled over their eyes. The media made alot of money by trying to tell everyone how close a presidental race there would be. I kept trying to figure out how they were coming up with this? After the elections, the winner and still president by a large amount, President Obama. The media made a ton of money by falsly telling everyone that this was a close race. It's not wrong, it's called "Freedom of the press.". Both political parties were telling us how it was suppose to be close and they get away with the lie by saying "Freedom of Speach." Both sides lie about each other and it is protected by "Freedom of Opinions". I am reminded by the story of a Boy who cried wolf. How can we believe anybody when there is no honor in politics? That is simple, you don't have a say. Your vote is just a jesture. Capitalism, not your vote is running our government. Keep that wool pulled over your eyes, it's cold out there.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
You don't count.
One vote does not count.
How many time have you heard the phrase, "your one vote counts". This is the biggest bunch of BS ever uttered, drunk or sober. Your one vote hasn't mattered in years, and won't for years to come. Could you imagine, "The next president elected by one vote?' How about "Social Security saved by one vote." It won't happen, it can't happen, and it will never happen. Your one vote has already been bought by the party of choice. See, they don't just buy one vote, they buy a bunch of votes Yes, they being the political parties, gather in as many votes as possible. Now it is theirs to do with whatever way they want. No, you don't have a say, you gave your vote to that party. By voting party line, you have, "sold your soul to the company store". If you didn't vote either party, you just threw away your vote. The last thing that either party wants is for you to not vote party line. They want to make it nice a neat for you, just pull that one party switch, and they will do all the rest. As far as changing things the way you want them, your vote means nothing. There use to be two ways a vote can go, Republican or Democrat. Now that we have become a capitalistic society, the outcome is paid for by your party selling your vote to big business.
How many time have you heard the phrase, "your one vote counts". This is the biggest bunch of BS ever uttered, drunk or sober. Your one vote hasn't mattered in years, and won't for years to come. Could you imagine, "The next president elected by one vote?' How about "Social Security saved by one vote." It won't happen, it can't happen, and it will never happen. Your one vote has already been bought by the party of choice. See, they don't just buy one vote, they buy a bunch of votes Yes, they being the political parties, gather in as many votes as possible. Now it is theirs to do with whatever way they want. No, you don't have a say, you gave your vote to that party. By voting party line, you have, "sold your soul to the company store". If you didn't vote either party, you just threw away your vote. The last thing that either party wants is for you to not vote party line. They want to make it nice a neat for you, just pull that one party switch, and they will do all the rest. As far as changing things the way you want them, your vote means nothing. There use to be two ways a vote can go, Republican or Democrat. Now that we have become a capitalistic society, the outcome is paid for by your party selling your vote to big business.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Changing the Diapers
I'm sorry that I havn't written in a while. Many things have been happening this summer and my writing had to be sacrificed. Now that it is just my wife and I in the house, I have got my office back. Well, partially back as I share it when the grandkids are over, then half of it is a play room. Right now my grandson Deacon is suppose to be napping in his playpin, but he is awake and talking up a storm...........he is only 5 month old. While watching him it made me think of how simple life can be, and how we as adults are the ones that make it confusing. When Deacon is hungry, he cries. When Deacon needs to be changed, he cries. When Deacon is unhappy, he cries. When Deacon is happy, he laughs. We as adult just need to fill in the blanks. What does Deacon want? Most of the time it is simple, one end or the other, but there are times when it is something else. American politic are alot like a baby. It cries when it needs more, and cries after it has given you it's shit. A soon as the political party cries, we look for an answer and 90% of the time we find #2. It is that simple, they want attention and once they get it, they give you #2. Right Deacon is babbling away and is happy that I am listening. I can't understand what he is saying, but I am still listening. Deacon also reminds me that what ever he is saying could be a lie, or could be the truth. Political parties are the same as they themselves can't tell the difference between the truth and a lie. They, like Deacon, just want, and will say anything to get what they want. If you are wondering if I believe the mental state of the political parties is the same as the age of my grandson, you are half right. The other half is the voting public. Most will follow the #2 that their partty has expelled.
People, it is very simple, don't swollow the #2 even when you are told how good it is.
People, it is very simple, don't swollow the #2 even when you are told how good it is.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Do you realize that if no one had their rights infringed upon, and that we all had the freedom to do what we wanted, if every religious practice was allowed, if there were no moral standards to live by, or there were no laws to live by and it was survival of the fittest, that because of this there would be no differences between the wild animals and the human race? We could mate with anyone or thing, kill anyone we didn't like, and there would be no difference between us and the animals. There would be no hate crimes, and no homophobes. Freedom come with a responsibility to act in the best interest of the people. We vote to get the opinion of all the people and the laws are suppose to reflect all of us. The President, a man elected by the people now wants to throw out every states law that prohibit same sex marriage. I believe that 40 of the 50 state already prohibit same sex marriage as voted on by those people. Let's just throw out the constitution and live like the animals. Stop government control and throw out minimum age for anything. Let's legalize all drugs because we can't have the government interfering. I think the people have spoke loud enough. Now for those who want to call me "homphobic", I have not even stated my feelings on t he subject, so back off. Those who completly agree with what I have said, get a new life and stay out of consenting adults bedrooms. This country is suppose to be , "of the people, and by the people", and on this case the people have spoken. Liberals and conservatives need to shut their mouths and work on more important things, like we the people who are without privilege, we the people who are without money, and we the people who are under educated. Freedom for every person is not possible, but you have the right to disagree. Now, move on. Mr. President, you are in the minority so please move on or you will be without a job come election time. On a more personal note, Please Mr. President, move on, we can't afford 4 years of Mitt Romney.
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Sunday Morning comin down. That is a song from Johnny Cash that I love. It is Sunday morning and my wife and I were awaken by our 2 year old grandson very early. He is so excited to be up in the morning as a stark contrast to everyone else. The other stark contrast is that the sun is shinning brightly and it is freezing outside. It reminds me that life is full of stark contrasts. Changes have occurred due to health and family situations that God has placed in front of us. My gas tank is on empty until payday, my bank account is empty, and our SSI disability check that is coming is already allocated with nothing to spare. Our meager income supports us, my grandson and my daughter, one dog and one cat. Ten years ago before my first heart attack, our business was growing and the kids were still home and I was looking towards retirement at 65 along with a good pension. Ten years later, that is gone for medical bills and SSI is all we have. It can happen that fast, even faster. The government can screw around with me financially but they can't take away my smile. My love for my children and grandchildren is something no one can touch. My wife and I have been married 30 years and money or lack of, has done nothing to dim our romance. God has blessed us in so many other ways and I pray that he will continue to bless us. The next time I hear some right wing idiot spouting off about people living off the hard work of millionaires, I will smile and tell them "Thank you". Thank you that I get enough money to live from day to day and to help support those I love. Thank you that I have the time to spend with family and friends, thank you that I do not let those out dated cans of food go to waste. Thank you for the ability to share my love when sharing my money is difficult. Thank you for thinking about me, I'm alive and doing fine. What a beautiful Sunday Morning.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
I haven't posted in a while, kinda busy. My daughter and grandson have moved in and watching him is like being a parent all over again. There is a good reason that we have children when we are young.
I have enjoyed reading all the articles about the condition of our economy, SSI, health coverage, and the swinging pendulum of public opinion. Most of the opinions are either far right or far left with no middle ground.
Let me just say this very plainly and I promise not to studder.
It sucks. No ifs, ands or butts, it sucks. In my lifetime we have come from a generation of handshake agreements to 2,000 page contracts that can still be broken. We have come from a doctor making house calls to being lucky if you see the doctor. Health care has gone from caring for the sick and dying to getting rich on the sick and dying. SSI has gone from an insurance to being called a handout. The right wing wants a game without referees and the left wing want a game where there is no winners or losers. People use to make money with hard work and sweat, and now it is a key stroke or a foreclosure. We make money on other peoples pain and suffering. We are introducing a new healthcare system they require everyone to pay in or be imprisoned or fined. This include the people who are out of jobs and can't afford to pay. This is because there are no jobs out there. Business, who we entrusted to create jobs, are slimming their work forces to make a profit. We have shipped out lower paying jobs and now bitch because we don't have those jobs.....that's right, the ones that we turned down because they were beneath us. We elect the richest politicians, give grants and money to the wealthiest companies and complain about the crumbs of a trickle down economy. We have an education that ranks last in education and ranks number one in wasteful spending. Our education system has gone from the 3 R's to who has the best sports team or the best dressed students, and when a school system fails, we blame it on the underpaid teachers who now do everything but teach. They have to be police, guidance, coaches, sex ed teachers, babysitters and more. We give the school system the money that is left over and then wonder why it's not working. More to come later.
I have enjoyed reading all the articles about the condition of our economy, SSI, health coverage, and the swinging pendulum of public opinion. Most of the opinions are either far right or far left with no middle ground.
Let me just say this very plainly and I promise not to studder.
It sucks. No ifs, ands or butts, it sucks. In my lifetime we have come from a generation of handshake agreements to 2,000 page contracts that can still be broken. We have come from a doctor making house calls to being lucky if you see the doctor. Health care has gone from caring for the sick and dying to getting rich on the sick and dying. SSI has gone from an insurance to being called a handout. The right wing wants a game without referees and the left wing want a game where there is no winners or losers. People use to make money with hard work and sweat, and now it is a key stroke or a foreclosure. We make money on other peoples pain and suffering. We are introducing a new healthcare system they require everyone to pay in or be imprisoned or fined. This include the people who are out of jobs and can't afford to pay. This is because there are no jobs out there. Business, who we entrusted to create jobs, are slimming their work forces to make a profit. We have shipped out lower paying jobs and now bitch because we don't have those jobs.....that's right, the ones that we turned down because they were beneath us. We elect the richest politicians, give grants and money to the wealthiest companies and complain about the crumbs of a trickle down economy. We have an education that ranks last in education and ranks number one in wasteful spending. Our education system has gone from the 3 R's to who has the best sports team or the best dressed students, and when a school system fails, we blame it on the underpaid teachers who now do everything but teach. They have to be police, guidance, coaches, sex ed teachers, babysitters and more. We give the school system the money that is left over and then wonder why it's not working. More to come later.
Friday, March 16, 2012
Today a cloud fell on my head. That is the way is described "fog" to my grandson. I found that this was the easiest way to explain it. Sometime we adults try to make thing too difficult. Our political system can be manipulated by our fancy language. Most people agree when they should disagree because they don't understand. People can get very confusing when they try to interpret the Bible. Many seem to think that there is a secret language in the Bible that needs to be interpreted. It is no wonder that many people turn away from the Bible because it seem to contradict itself. Some feel that the Bible needs to be update for today's world. What was a sin back then, is not a sin today. Any of the don'ts can be made into "can do". I have read the Bible from beginning to end many time and the real verse that stands out to me the most are The Two Greatest Commandments, Love God, and your neighbor as yourself. That second one is impossible. Just think about it. Once you get a handle on these two, everything else fits right in.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
People in the United States amaze me. If they are a Republican, they don't want government to control things. If you are a Democrat, you don't want business to run everything. It says somewhere the phrase "We, the people." It doesn't say we the party, or we the business, or we the rich, or we the poor. FREEDOM. This is freedom to do business, freedom to get dumped on, freedom to blame someone else. Freedom to elect a person and not a party. Freedom to tell a "white Lie" about a political foe and not be held up to it. Freedom to starve the people who need help, freedom to step on someone else to get to the top. Freedom to take away other peoples freedom. Freedom to go to war for profit. Freedom to turn your back on other people suffering. Freedom to do nothing and have other people pay for it. Freedom to vote stupid or smart. It's about freedom. Why then does both Parties want to take away your freedom. Why does these parties tell "little white lies" to steal your vote? Why do both parties take large amounts of money from businesses to steal your vote? Your political system is run by big money if you vote Democrat or Republican, facts are facts. Money talks and bullshit walks, but we continue to be lead like sheep to the slaughter. Why? FREEDOM. Prices will continue to rise. Why? FREEDOM. The poor and sick will continue to be ignored for the profit of big business. Why? FREEDOM. Our children will continue to dies in foreign countries for profit. Why?FREEDOM . God will play less and less a part in our country. Why? Freedom. Yes, both parties want your freedom. To them it is all or nothing, evil or good, sour or sweet etc...... Rush Limbaugh said it best, "There is no place for fence sitters."
I look at our government and our political system and what do I see. I see a large wall, representing our government, covered with sticky notes, which are changes to that system. The sticky notes are attached to the wall, attached to other sticky note, and some have even fallen to the ground. The wall is being held up by the sticky notes. Standing in front of that wall is a democrat and a republican, attaching more notes. That wall could also be our school system, our health care system, or anything else that we the people should have a right to change, but don't. We continue to have our elected party leaders attach more sticky notes. That is all they can do, that is what you elected them to do. This is all that they are qualified to do. Their qualification were their party association, their looks, and how well they come across. Congratulations people, you have elected exactly what the party gave you. A well spoken sticky note writer, but he is the best that money can buy.
I look at our government and our political system and what do I see. I see a large wall, representing our government, covered with sticky notes, which are changes to that system. The sticky notes are attached to the wall, attached to other sticky note, and some have even fallen to the ground. The wall is being held up by the sticky notes. Standing in front of that wall is a democrat and a republican, attaching more notes. That wall could also be our school system, our health care system, or anything else that we the people should have a right to change, but don't. We continue to have our elected party leaders attach more sticky notes. That is all they can do, that is what you elected them to do. This is all that they are qualified to do. Their qualification were their party association, their looks, and how well they come across. Congratulations people, you have elected exactly what the party gave you. A well spoken sticky note writer, but he is the best that money can buy.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
I loved my Hyundai 2001 xg300 until the front end collapsed just before going on the highway. My wife and my daughter who is 9 months pregnant were in the car. If this had happened on the highway the results would have been a lot worse. The front end collapsed, broke the the axle and a whole bunch of other stuff in the front end. The right front wheel was pushed into the wheel well and bent up the front quarter panel so that the passenger side door is hard to open. The transmission is also having problems. Betten Hyundai in Muskegon Michigan says that the front axle is most likely broken as well as other damage.My wife and I are on a fixed income, we are both on disability(SSI) and do not have extra money. We also watch a grandson six days of the week and need transportation as this is our only car. The car is part of a recall and I have already talked to Gary at Ext 54348. Without even looking at it, Betten has said that we will most likely have to pay for the extra damage. I don't even know for sure how much damage was done to the frame as well as the sub frame and even if this can be repaired. Right now I have a million worries and questions and few answers
This is the email I sent to Hyundai and I will continue to correspond until the problem is taken care of properly.
This is the email I sent to Hyundai and I will continue to correspond until the problem is taken care of properly.
Thursday, February 09, 2012
Yesterday as my car came to a stop,(2001 Hyundai cx300) the right front collapsed. I had it towed into a local (Muskegon Michigan), Hyundai service center and found out it was because of a recall
NHTSA Recall Campaign Number: 09V124000
Units Potentially Affected: 188282
Recall Initiated By: ODI
Today I talked with these people
Talked with Hyundai Customer Service and they informed me that everything would be covered. There supposedly a class action suit and all damages will be covered. I then took all the information (Hyundai were very helpful) and gave that information to Betten Hyundai along with the case number, class action number, and the representative that I talked to along with his Id number. Betten was trying to tell me that they would only cover the repair of the defective part, but not the damage it caused. They were going to try to charge me for the front axle ball joints and the damage to the front quarter panel. I will be updating my story everyday to tell how well this is covered. It will either be great press or a story that appears on the news. My wife and my pregnant daughter were in the car when this happened and we were just planning on going on the highway. At 70 MPH you might have been just reading the obituaries and how I lost control of the car. I hope I won't need a write in campaign, but if I do , I am counting on all of you.
Wednesday, February 01, 2012
Mama's, don't let your children grow up to be President.
Lets see, we have the Miss America, Mrs America, Miss universe and thousands of other competitions. They even have contest for babies, children, singers, animals, entertainers and the all in one competition called the run for President of the United States. What all these have in common is that anyone can win. There is no test......wait......the beauty contest are restricted to Women, and humans can't compete in animal contests but I'm not sure about animals running for President. Three men running for President are named Newt, Mitt, and Barrack. It sounds like Doris Day calling her dogs.
There are people out there that want welfare recipients to take a urine test, but no one wants an intelligence test for those running for the highest office in the land. The Republican don't want their money going to the poor, just to those running for public office. The Democrats don't want big money to influence government unless it is supporting their election process.
How can a person running for president , be opposed to hate crime, and run the hate ads like those in the Florida primary. I guess white lies are ok if you are running for president..
Lets see, we have the Miss America, Mrs America, Miss universe and thousands of other competitions. They even have contest for babies, children, singers, animals, entertainers and the all in one competition called the run for President of the United States. What all these have in common is that anyone can win. There is no test......wait......the beauty contest are restricted to Women, and humans can't compete in animal contests but I'm not sure about animals running for President. Three men running for President are named Newt, Mitt, and Barrack. It sounds like Doris Day calling her dogs.
There are people out there that want welfare recipients to take a urine test, but no one wants an intelligence test for those running for the highest office in the land. The Republican don't want their money going to the poor, just to those running for public office. The Democrats don't want big money to influence government unless it is supporting their election process.
How can a person running for president , be opposed to hate crime, and run the hate ads like those in the Florida primary. I guess white lies are ok if you are running for president..
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Let's talk about teachers. My son is a teacher. He now teaches in a private school in Japan. The jobs were not available here in the states. People and politicians are asking teachers to take a cut in pay and benefits to keep the school going. In neighboring Muskegon Heights, they are looking at being taken over by the state because they are millions on dollars in the red. They have privatized many parts, and asked the teachers for a twenty percent price cut, plus more. This has made it a political hot button that both side cannot win. Until priorities are put in place like properly funding schools up front, this will continue to be a problem. Until we consolidate the school systems to get the most for the money, it will continue to be a problem. Until we pay teachers according to their abilities and not their location, this will continue to be a problem. When our schools once again become safe, we will continue to have problems. When politicians act on the problem and stop making this a soapbox, we will continue with the problems.
Friday, January 27, 2012
Thinning down the junk
It is amazing how quickly the junk can accumulate. This April, we will have been in this house 5 years. We have had as much as 6 people living here, and at times, just down to the two of us. I finally have myself an office, my daughter and her son live in one bedroom, the den and the living room need updating. The house just got new siding and new windows. This takes time because we got no money. All of our furniture is used, but comfortable. We, my wife and I, are both on disability and fight hard to make ends meet. Our unexpected health problems drained our retirement and we were "legally" conned out of our last house which was almost paid for. The reason I bring this up is that I tend to hang on to things longer then usually in hopes that I can re use it. This is nothing like the TV show "hoarders", but we do have a lot of stuff. Our children have not fully moved out. My son and his wife are in Japan, so we are storing their stuff, my one daughter and her husband are living in an apartment so they are space deprived, and my youngest daughter and her son live 80% of the time with us. You might think that I am complaining, but I am not. Our kids payed for our trip to Japan,and because my grandson lives with us, we had our house de leaded and new windows put in. A very good friend gave us a used baby grand piano, and SSI has kept us from being in the gutter. We get to watch our grandson grow up, and look forward to the birth of our 3rd grandchild. I just get frustrated at times that I can't get things done right away. Through it all, God has been great to us, bit I digress from the point. What junk do I keep and what do I need to throw out, how do I save up for newer furniture for the living room, how to re do the kitchen and the two baths, plus do the need repairs on the car, and need a new roof. I guess I can reuse the junk.
It is amazing how quickly the junk can accumulate. This April, we will have been in this house 5 years. We have had as much as 6 people living here, and at times, just down to the two of us. I finally have myself an office, my daughter and her son live in one bedroom, the den and the living room need updating. The house just got new siding and new windows. This takes time because we got no money. All of our furniture is used, but comfortable. We, my wife and I, are both on disability and fight hard to make ends meet. Our unexpected health problems drained our retirement and we were "legally" conned out of our last house which was almost paid for. The reason I bring this up is that I tend to hang on to things longer then usually in hopes that I can re use it. This is nothing like the TV show "hoarders", but we do have a lot of stuff. Our children have not fully moved out. My son and his wife are in Japan, so we are storing their stuff, my one daughter and her husband are living in an apartment so they are space deprived, and my youngest daughter and her son live 80% of the time with us. You might think that I am complaining, but I am not. Our kids payed for our trip to Japan,and because my grandson lives with us, we had our house de leaded and new windows put in. A very good friend gave us a used baby grand piano, and SSI has kept us from being in the gutter. We get to watch our grandson grow up, and look forward to the birth of our 3rd grandchild. I just get frustrated at times that I can't get things done right away. Through it all, God has been great to us, bit I digress from the point. What junk do I keep and what do I need to throw out, how do I save up for newer furniture for the living room, how to re do the kitchen and the two baths, plus do the need repairs on the car, and need a new roof. I guess I can reuse the junk.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
This winter season has been really strange. In October and November, Liz and I were in Japan where the weather was beautiful for most part. Since we have returned in December, we have only had a few snow storms and the temp has been around freezing, mostly above freezing. We are way below our average for snow fall and well above normal for temperature.
Yesterday, Tom Izzo (basketball coach @ Michigan State University) recorded his 400th victory. This is one of the class acts of all sports. I would love to sit and talk basketball with this guy more then anyone else. The minute I think that I have figured him out, something new comes to light. He is refreshing everytime to see him.
Joe Paterno will be laid to rest today. I met Joe and talked with him about 20 years ago. The company I was working with had invited the coach to give a motivational speach. So many good things he did for college football to have it all end with one glaring mistake of ommission. I wish to remember him in the 15 min. or so that him and I talked alone.
My Detroit Tigers have beefed up their lineup for a run at the world series. I have enjoyed watching them play. The Detroit Piston, I have not watched at all this year. My reasons, other then that they are really bad, is that Pro Basketball went on strike against its fans, and now I am returning the favor. The Detroit Lions had a great year and are building for the future and are fun to watch. The Detroit Redwings (hockey) are also doing good, but I'm not a hockey fan. With all this said, college sports have been more entertaining this year.
Yesterday, Tom Izzo (basketball coach @ Michigan State University) recorded his 400th victory. This is one of the class acts of all sports. I would love to sit and talk basketball with this guy more then anyone else. The minute I think that I have figured him out, something new comes to light. He is refreshing everytime to see him.
Joe Paterno will be laid to rest today. I met Joe and talked with him about 20 years ago. The company I was working with had invited the coach to give a motivational speach. So many good things he did for college football to have it all end with one glaring mistake of ommission. I wish to remember him in the 15 min. or so that him and I talked alone.
My Detroit Tigers have beefed up their lineup for a run at the world series. I have enjoyed watching them play. The Detroit Piston, I have not watched at all this year. My reasons, other then that they are really bad, is that Pro Basketball went on strike against its fans, and now I am returning the favor. The Detroit Lions had a great year and are building for the future and are fun to watch. The Detroit Redwings (hockey) are also doing good, but I'm not a hockey fan. With all this said, college sports have been more entertaining this year.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Why do we as Americans want to make things so complicated. The computer age was suppose to make things so easier for us, but instead it has made it more complicated and a lot more expensive.
1- Our elections would truely mean something if the elections were held on a weekend.
2- Each person running for an office must post their corporate sponsors.
3- The President be given a line item veto power.
4- You must be a citizen of this country if you want a say so over here.
5- Fines for deceptive advertising.
6- No small print, or disclaimers.
How is that for Simple?
1- Our elections would truely mean something if the elections were held on a weekend.
2- Each person running for an office must post their corporate sponsors.
3- The President be given a line item veto power.
4- You must be a citizen of this country if you want a say so over here.
5- Fines for deceptive advertising.
6- No small print, or disclaimers.
How is that for Simple?
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