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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Michigan wind power and alternative energy. Our great state government decided that it is time to look into alternative energy to help Michigan grow. Alternative energy would create new jobs, and help out the state. They put togather plans for a great big windmill, that combined with others would create cheaper energy. The construction of said windmills would create new jobs. Wind energy to the rescue..... opps... they gave the construction bid to Canada. The only wind I see is from Lansing. Last person out, please turn off the lights.

Friday, October 16, 2009

I love stupid people. I especially like people who are suppose to be smart but are really dumber than dirt. I know for a fact that I am not the smartest bulb in the pack, but at least I have some common sense and am able to use my brain for more then counter weight to keep my head strait. For years I use to listen to Rush Limbaugh's radio show. Although I did not agree with him on all topics, I did respect his knowledge,until now. I know that his show is all about ratings and making it interesting for people to listen. Love him or hate him, he just wants you to listen. He's a clown, a show man, an antagonist..... he what you want and what you hate. Why do people care what Rush has to say. His show is alot like professional wrestling, fake but with great athletes. Rush tries to be all things to all people. Either you love him and listen, or hate him, and listen. What people understand is that it is entertainment, nothing else. Once gain we give an actor credit for the role he is playing. I don't go to DR. Gregory House for medical advice so why should I go to this actor for political advice. The dumb people are the ones that faithfully follow him like a person follows a soap opera. Soap operas' professional wrestling, and Rush Limbaugh are not real. Why does the media give him so much attention? Ratings.