Gay Christianity
The Muskegon Chronicle has been printing letters to the editor revealing both sides of a contraversy. The question has come down to," Are gays and those who condone homosexuality, going to heaven?" Some Christians, and pastors have used the Bible to condemn Homosexuality. The gay community has labled everyone who doesn't follow their ideas as "homophobes". I say, " shame on both of you."
When Jesus was asked by lawyers, "What is the greatest law?", his reponded
"Love the Lord your God and your neihbor as yourself. On these two comandment hang the whole law and the prophets." I believe he also said something about,"Judge not least ye be judged." Fellow Christians, lets practice christian love and leave the judging to God.
To the gay comunity and those who condone homosexuality. If you don't like that churches views, go to a different church.
To both sides, don't tear someone down just to build yourself up. God will judge you individually, and not by anything else, or different interpretation of the Bible. It is that simple.
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