My Blog List

Monday, April 27, 2009

My son is graduating from Hope College this Sunday. I am so nervous. This is another first in my life. I have never had a child graduate from college. I know what it is like to be proud and humble at the same time. Here is the bragging part. I have the greatest son a father could ask for. He has followed his destiny and has made a man of himself. He has a beautiful and intelligent wife and a great future full of travel and adventure. I am soooooooooooo proud. The many nights I spent praying for him and God has answered these prayers and more. Now I get to watch him walk down the aisle in a college graduation. I thank all the people who helped shape his life, as Liz and I did not do it alone. For those of you who mocked and ridiculed my son, I feel sorry for you. You lose. nanana. My son is truly the greatest

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