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Sunday, August 22, 2010

Ground Zero rules

The stupidity continues. Build a Masque at ground zero in New York? First of all, the proposed masque is blocks away. Let's just build a bridge to no where from one side to the other. Lets put up another image to worship capitalism. How about an area dedicated to fast food restaurants.
These were buildings that were destroyed by war, same as millions of buildings around the world. It is hard to find a piece of ground that hasn't been effected by war. Maybe we can say that the weapons of mass destruction are buried at the site and all our soldiers should be called home to search the site. More of our people are being killed by our search for WMD then were killed on that fateful day. Our leaders have more death on their hands than these nut jobs that flew the planes.


亜希子さんのパンダ熊でございます said...

The saddest thing, and also the thing that the international community is laughing at the most, is the fact that it's not even a mosque at all! It's a community center, for everyone to use, but sponsored by the Islamic community. It could only be called a mosque in the sense that Christian-run hospitals could be called churches because of their attached chapel.

Maybe I've just been gone from the US for too long, but I really don't see the problem here...

Anonymous said...

The building is on ground zero. It was hit by landing gear from one of the planes that took out the towers. I would say that is ground zero.

亜希子さんのパンダ熊でございます said...

The Park 51 building, otherwise referred to as the "ground-zero mosque", is located at 45-51 Park Place on Manhattan island. Follow W. Broadway St. for a little over 2 blocks to the southwest, and you will reach Vesey St, one of the 4 streets that form square around the actual ground zero.

The term "ground-zero" refers to the area between Vesey St, West St, Liberty St and Trinity PL/Church St. This would be, as mentioned before, a little over 2 blocks distant from the proposed structure.

Lastly, as the building doesn't yet exist, it is somewhat unlikely that it was impacted by landing gear from a nearly 10-year old incident, horrific though said incident was.

Even still, I stand by my original comment; what's the problem? It isn't a mosque, it's a community center. Frankly, I can't see what the problem would be even if it was a mosque, but that might be because I really believe in that whole "freedom of religion" thing.