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Thursday, March 03, 2011


Charlie Sheen, love him or hate him, on drugs or clean, good or bad father, or just plainly a jerk. Let me start this out by saying that he is just an actor, and what happens to him really does not effect my life, but just for the fun of it lets answer some key question you might ask him and the answers that might come out.

QUESTION... Charlie, are you on drugs?
Answer... No, my mustache has just turned grey...sniff.
Question. Don't you care about the people on your show that you have put out of business?
Answer......I'm a true republican, you don't work you don't eat. I can only care how happy I am and how much money I can make. Do I have to be on drugs to want more money for myself. If that is the criteria, the whole right wing is on drugs. If I get three million per episode, I should be getting four million and guess what....they will pay it.
Question...Why don't you go to drug counseling or drug rehab.
Answer... Addiction is very serious, drug and alcohol being only two of them. There are millions of self professed methods out there and a lot more trying to make money on me without knowing me. If a person quits smoking can he just quit or does he have to use someones therapy or read someones book.
Question.....Charlie, you live with two "goddesses", isn't this wrong?
Answer...Jealous? I'm not breaking any law, I'm not running for public office, and I'm not a christian, so what the problem?

1 comment:

Missouri Johnson said...

Just stumbled across your blog. You insight cracks me up. Thank you for bringing a middle of the road approach to the front.
Missouri Johnson