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Thursday, May 10, 2012

Do you realize that if no one had their rights infringed upon, and that we all had the freedom to do what we wanted, if every religious practice was allowed, if there were no moral standards to live by, or there were no laws to live by and it was survival of the fittest, that because of this there would be no differences between the wild animals and the human race? We could mate with anyone or thing, kill anyone we didn't like, and there would be no difference between us and the animals. There would be no hate crimes, and no homophobes. Freedom come with a responsibility to act in the best interest of the people. We vote to get the opinion of all the people and the laws are suppose to reflect all of us. The President, a man elected by the people now wants to throw out every states law that prohibit same sex marriage. I believe that 40 of the 50 state already prohibit same sex marriage as voted on by those people. Let's just throw out the constitution and live like the animals. Stop government control and throw out minimum age for anything. Let's legalize all drugs because we can't have the government interfering. I think the people have spoke loud enough. Now for those who want to call me "homphobic", I have not even stated my feelings on t he subject, so back off. Those who completly agree with what I have said, get a new life and stay out of consenting adults bedrooms. This country is suppose to be , "of the people, and by the people", and on this case the people have spoken. Liberals and conservatives need to shut their mouths and work on more important things, like we the people who are without privilege, we the people who are without money, and we the people who are under educated. Freedom for every person is not possible, but you have the right to disagree. Now, move on. Mr. President, you are in the minority so please move on or you will be without a job come election time. On a more personal note, Please Mr. President, move on, we can't afford 4 years of Mitt Romney.


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