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Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Michigan unions can RIP.  That is what union people are crying after the govenor signed the "Right to work" bill.  Next there will be funerals for the great UAW and other big unions.  Michigan killed the unions.

I don't know how to break this to you, but the unions have been dead for quite awhile.  Look at the abandoned plants in Detroit, Flint, Saginaw and other union strongholds. I have never been a member of a union, but there were times when I wish I were.  Unions were a "gift" to the American working class people who were taken advantage by the "Vanderbilts and Carnages" of the world. The unions broke the slave labor mentality that come with wealth gained by the few at the working expense of the many.  The union gave fair labor wages, safe working condition, and a better working atmosphere where non existed. Life was good for all people who gladly worked, and with pride in there work place. Then something terrible happened. The unions felt that everyone needed the help of the unions and that workers should get everything for nothing. They felt that the most menial worker should get the same pay as the CEOs of those companies. It no longer was what is fair, but how much they could get.  Those same fences that the unions tore down were being rebuilt with a union sticker. Those factories that the unions help build build, are now laying in rubble, those workers are on unemployment and welfare.  The unions have raided their retirement funds and the local union halls are no longer the lavish lounges were union worker exchanged war stories. In the work place, big business is back in control and working conditions are getting worse. Minimum wage jobs are now shipped abroad, and the assembly line is now a thing of the past.  Technology and education has surpassed sweat and hard work.  The nest step will be that big business will run our education system and those big business will get to pick and choose their own people. I realise that I painted this picture with very large brush strokes, but basically it is all true, with one exception.  The unions are not dead yet.  The unions are still needed, the unions are still wanted, but in a different and better role.  The old model is dead and needs to be re invented. Our education system is the base of all work and new technology.  This is where the union is needed to bring us back to educational excellence. This is where the unions can influence big business to invest in their future, our children's education. The unions can break the oil and petroleum lock that big business has wrapped us in. Educate the people that oil is not a replenishing supply that will never run out.  Wind energy and other alternative fuels supplies can help balance the work force again with the help of a union.  Instead of trying to squeeze the money out of big business, create new work that can benefit everyone.  Let these big oil companies choke on their diminishing supply of oil and be part of a new America. 
Hey Unions, instead of forcing people to become members, make them want to be a part of a new union movement.  You still have the chance.

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