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Saturday, October 11, 2008

The people have voted. On Bolgspot and Live Journal the two who voted have agreed that I am nuts. Although no one has suggested a place for me to wear my nice white coat with the straps, crazy seems to be the best word. Well.............when I look at my friends, I feel in good company. I don't have to worry about losing millions of dollars in the stock market, because I am not invested. Now these people are really crazy. I would rather bet on black and let the wheel spin. The president of the United STates has no clue what going on, and he keeps giving the same speech on how everything is fine. Now that is crazy. The people of Michigan have a Governor that has driven the state into the ground, and she keeps blaming the other party, that is crazy. If she ran for re-election today she would most likely win, that is crazy. Open intersections, that is crazy. You can't catch salmon in a unmarked trout stream, but it doesn't matter if you are Indian, that is crazy. In a country where you are suppose to be innocent until proven guilty, 9 out of 10 times you are guilty until you prove your innocence, that is crazy. With all this craziness going on, if some had said I was sane, I might be offended.

1 comment:

Clif Martin said...

They said Jesus was crazy. So put on your slightly tarnished halo and keep taking in strays. May you live long enough for some of them to come to you way down the road and thank you for what you did.