This shows the falsness of the argument about time discrepansies. Sorry, but you are arguing from an imperfect base of information. So we go back to history. I am stopping this now. I have proved my point, history has proved my point, and still they don't want to see. I put down baby steps at the top to you to read. You have to have a constant to build your theories on. Basic science. Wikipedia doesn't count as well as former blogs etc...... I'm taking time off to help other people who want to be helped.
Let's illustrate one more time how stupid and dishonest you are.
You think that YOU can link me to some completely obscure random website to illustrate your point.. the ONLY link you've given during an almost week long debate ranging tens of thousands of words... while telling me that I can't link Wikipedia, which is a credible website as supported by studies and other credible news outlets like CNET etc.
But your completely obscure site is suddenly OK because you THINK, incorrectly of course, that it helps support your point.
Wholly dishonest on your part... trying, as I've pointed out a number of times already, to hold all my well verified factual information to a standard so high that you'll never allow me to meet it... while holding your own assertions and beliefs and sources to a much lower standard, or simply no standard at all.
Now to address why you're an idiot on top of being persistently dishonest in your attempts to defend your delusion...
The days were still the same length. The problem with those calendars was that the DAY ITSELF was the same length, but the length of the orbit of the Earth around the sun was slightly more than an even 365 days, so due to poor calendar planning they would have to insert months such as the Intercalary Month AS EVEN YOUR OBSCURE SITE SAYS.
And as I said earlier in our discussion when you tried to make the idiotic excuse that the days used to be LONGER... the fact is that they used to be SHORTER, which is the exact opposite of your ignorant claims... something else you might have known if you'd have bothered reading the credible enough sources at Wikipedia, such as to have ANY clue what you're talking about.
Do you take some sick pleasure in having me prove you wrong every time, and still continue to act as though you haven't been mistaken yet? And in spite of having your fallacious reasoning illustrated to you time and again, to just keep using the same fallacious arguments etc?
You'd think you'd have learned the lesson your son did and understood when it was time to tuck tail and admit that you'd gotten in over your head.
Or maybe you just have too much pride... I don't know. But any way you look at it, you're still just wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong... over and over... and seem to not be learning a thing. :(
(I'm done being nice about this, but I'll still illustrate your stupidity... ESPECIALLY when you have the audacity to address me as your intellectual inferior. There's nothing that I hate more than stupid little men trying to make me the scapegoat for their own intellectual shortcomings... and try to make ME out to be the stupid one who has no idea what he's talking about.
Or maybe it's just that. I'm pretty sure that's the case.
"The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which "people reach erroneous conclusions and make unfortunate choices but their incompetence robs them of the metacognitive ability to realize it.""
In short, you're too stupid to really grasp just how stupid you are.
Like I said... you're like a pigeon trying to play chess, and thinking you've one because you knocked all the pieces over and crapped on the board and you're flying back home to your blog to claim victory while I sadly shake my head and keep setting up the pieces again and trying to explain to you what chess even IS, much less how to play the damn game.
And to be clear, when I speak of longer days in the past, AS I'VE ALREADY MADE CLEAR TO YOU, we're talking changes of a few milliseconds over the course of a few years... or as little as a single millisecond in a century.
So it would take anywhere from 1,000 years... to 100,000 years for the day to lengthen by even a single second. (again, the opposite effect from what you originally tried to claim in this very debate... showing how doubly wrong you were.)
So in the ENTIRE SPAN OF CREATION as claimed by your silly mythology... the length of the day would be *gasp* AT MOST 6 seconds longer... and more likely 0.06 seconds longer. Less than 1/10th of 1 second longer.
Again... you have no idea what you're talking about and as such you're using dishonest inconsistent standards of evidence and making wildly inaccurate claims about things you don't even have a cursory understanding of in a desperate attempt to try to find SOMETHING... ANYTHING to try to catch me in error on.
And while you've been shown to be wildly wrong dozens, if not hundreds of times now... you are too small of a man to admit even a single one... and just keep dishonestly ignoring every mistake you've made, every fallacious argument you've made... and you keep on making them hoping to fool other people and to try to dragging on your shotgun approach to just keep blasting away with tons of nuttery in hopes that eventually something sticks, to which, as I've explained about confirmation bias, you'll cling to as though the dozens or hundreds of erroneous claims on your part never happened, and your one correct point would be a complete victory.
I think we both know that what I'm saying is true... and anyone reading our entire discussions will see me tearing apart every comment you make, point by point AD NAUSEUM.
Why don't you try, for starters, admitting that claiming that days used to be LONGER was completely wrong on your part... both in the sense that they were in fact SHORTER, but that the spans of time involved are also on the scale of a factor of THOUSANDS OF TIMES different than what you're trying to claim. (as has already been explained to you)
Can you do that much Don? Admit even this one mistake? As you've denied admitting your mistake about Noah's Flood, about the Greatest Commandment, etc etc and instead had to resort to Irrational Escalation (otherwise known as escalation of commitment) to keep from having to admit your ERRORS... this seems an easy one to start with.
"Alternatively, irrational escalation (sometimes referred to as irrational escalation of commitment or commitment bias) is a term frequently used in psychology, philosophy, economics, and game theory to refer to a situation in which people can make irrational decisions based upon rational decisions in the past or to justify actions already taken. Examples are frequently seen when parties engage in a bidding war; the bidders can end up paying much more than the object is worth to justify the initial expenses associated with bidding (such as research), as well as part of a competitive instinct."
In short, you've gotten in way over your head.. but your pride won't let you admit your errors, so you just keep getting more and more irrational and digging yourself a deeper hole.
Again... try just being honest and admitting your error about the length of days.
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