The Truth, what is it good for?
When someone asks you for the truth, what are they asking you for. Do they assume that you would tell a lie, so they are asking you to tell the truth? When a women asks a man, "Do I look fat in this Dress?", does she really want the truth?
My wife was just fired from her job as a sales associate. He had just been awarded "outstanding sales associate" award last month. She received a letter that said how proud the company was of her. A couple of weeks ago she was reprimanded for being too friendly with the customers. Later she was reprimanded for being not friendly enough with the customers. She was then reprimanded for being too nice, and then to mean to fellow employees. She was them reprimanded for not asking the manager before making decision, and later reprimanded for calling up a manager to ask a question. Last week they asked her to quit. She denied the request. Yesterday they fired her, made promises they couldn't and wouldn't keep just to get rid of her. This all to save thousands of dollars, plus they could hire someone else at minimum wage and save even more. Because of their actions, we are without health insurance and her perfect work record has been tarnished by lies and innuendos. They say that they will fight unemployment payments, and not reimburse her for her college classes that have one week left. (College reimbursement program). I will not say who the employer is because that ACLU will be looking into it. Now we will have lawyers involved and a lot more money spent because a company didn't realize what the truth was, or chose to ignore it because they thought they were above the law, and spin was easier.
Political problems are caused by using spin instead of the truth.
In Grand Rapids, a high school graduation cannot have the Lord's Prayer sung during the ceremony. By the way, the ceremony is being held in a church. If church and state are suppose to be separate, why hold the ceremony in a church. This is not about rights, its about lies, lies that singing one christian song, in a church, will violate one persons rights. The truth is that a small amount of people want to make sure that Christians don't have rights.
To tell you the truth, I am angry this morning. I am pissed off. I am not angry with God, because he will guide us through. I am not angry with my friends, because I care for them. I am angry when people lie to my face or to someone else. Stand up and tell the truth. Don't hide behind spin and half truths. Why hurt others for your own glory and wealth.
I will now go and pray that God will help these people. I pray that they will seek his forgiveness. For us this is one bump in the road. We will survive, but there are others out there who won't.
God bless you all.
My Blog List
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Short Term Memory had always been associated with older people. This had to be the farthest from the truth. As you get older, you just don't care, but you still remember. Here are some items that back this up
1- Gas prices. Most older people can remember when gas was 21 cents per gallon. Younger people can't even remember what the gas prices were yesterday.
2- Honest Politician. Most older people can remember when honesty meant something. Young people believe that spin eliminates dishonesty.
3- Many older people remember working for a company their whole life. Today people are lucky to get five years in.
4- Remember full service gas station. They filled your car, checked your oil, checked oil pressure, and washed your windows. Today's youth can't even remember to put gas in the car.
5- Most older people remember when a handshake meant something. Today it has to be a 50 page contract because no one can remember.
Ask a person about World War II, an older person will tell you in detail about it. A younger person will give you a puzzled look. Then their answer will most likely be, " That was the war after World War I.
I just thought this was interesting.
1- Gas prices. Most older people can remember when gas was 21 cents per gallon. Younger people can't even remember what the gas prices were yesterday.
2- Honest Politician. Most older people can remember when honesty meant something. Young people believe that spin eliminates dishonesty.
3- Many older people remember working for a company their whole life. Today people are lucky to get five years in.
4- Remember full service gas station. They filled your car, checked your oil, checked oil pressure, and washed your windows. Today's youth can't even remember to put gas in the car.
5- Most older people remember when a handshake meant something. Today it has to be a 50 page contract because no one can remember.
Ask a person about World War II, an older person will tell you in detail about it. A younger person will give you a puzzled look. Then their answer will most likely be, " That was the war after World War I.
I just thought this was interesting.
Friday, May 25, 2007
- Andy Rooney DID YOU KNOW? As you walk up the steps to the building which houses the U.S Supreme Court you can see near the top of the building a row of the world's law givers and each one is facing one in the middle who is facing forward with a full frontal view .. it is Moses and he is holding the Ten Commandments! . DID YOU KNOW? As you enter the Supreme Court courtroom, the two huge oak doors have the Ten Commandments engraved on each lower portion of each door. DID YOU KNOW? As you sit inside the courtroom, you can see the wall, right above where the Supreme Court judges sit, a display of the Ten Commandments! DID YOU KNOW? There are Bible verses etched in stone all over the Federal Buildings and Monuments in Washington , D.C. DID YOU KNOW? James Madison, the fourth president, known as "The Father of Our Constitution" made the following statement: "We have staked the whole of all our political institutions upon the capacity of mankind for self-government, upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves, to control ourselves, to sustain ourselves according to the Ten Commandments of God." DID YOU KNOW? Patrick Henry, that patriot and Founding Father of our country said:"It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded not by religionists but by Christians, not on religions but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ". DID YOU KNOW? Every session of Congress begins with a prayer by a paid preacher, whose salary has been paid by the taxpayer since 1777. DID YOU KNOW? Fifty-two of the 55 founders of the Constitution were members of the established orthodox churches in the colonies. DID YOU KNOW? Thomas Jefferson worried that the Courts would overstep their authority and instead of interpreting the law would begin making law . an oligarchy the rule of few over many. DID YOU KNOW? The very first Supreme Court Justice, John Jay, said: "Americans should select and prefer Christians as their rulers." How, then, have we gotten to the point that everything we have done for 220 years in this country is now suddenly wrong and unconstitutional? Lets put it around the world and let the world see and remember what this great country was built on. Chamber , US House of Representatives I was asked to send this on if I agreed or delete if I didn't. Now it is your turn... It is said that 86% of Americans believe in God. Therefore, it is very hard to understand why there is such a mess about having the Ten Commandments on display or "In God We Trust" on our money and having God in the Pledge of Allegiance. Why don't we just tell the other 14% to Sit Down and SHUT UP!!! If you agree, pass this on
Its the start of the Memorial Day Weekend. Its a day that we honor our fallen soldiers and those who served in the armed forces. We also should recognize the Presidents who put them there. WWI, and WWII who obvious why the presidents put our soldiers in harms way. The Korean War I might have a big "maybe". Every war since then no one can explain without taking a political side. Lets just throw out the stupid reasons like, "WOMD, stop the Russians, stop the North Koreans, stop the North Vietnamese, stop Iraq, stop Iran, stop the terrorist, etc......
The bottom line is, war diverts our attention away from the things that count. Poverty in the United States, democracy gone wild, Run -away greed by big business and Politicians. We have concerts for "feed the world", while many go hungry here at home. We complain about Mexicans coming to America, yet we go where ever we please. We defend democracy abroad, but don't practice it here. We send missionaries to convert the world, but can't even pray in our own schools.
This Memorial Day lets remember why this country was founded and why these Soldiers had to die. Lets remember the Men and women that listened to their leader who said they were defending their country. Lets remember the Politicians, Democrat and Republican who murdered our soldiers since Korea. They are the ones laughing all the way to the bank, tripping over the bodies of the fallen soldiers.
The bottom line is, war diverts our attention away from the things that count. Poverty in the United States, democracy gone wild, Run -away greed by big business and Politicians. We have concerts for "feed the world", while many go hungry here at home. We complain about Mexicans coming to America, yet we go where ever we please. We defend democracy abroad, but don't practice it here. We send missionaries to convert the world, but can't even pray in our own schools.
This Memorial Day lets remember why this country was founded and why these Soldiers had to die. Lets remember the Men and women that listened to their leader who said they were defending their country. Lets remember the Politicians, Democrat and Republican who murdered our soldiers since Korea. They are the ones laughing all the way to the bank, tripping over the bodies of the fallen soldiers.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
It seems like yesterday that I was bitching because of bad weather. Lately the weather has been beautiful. The temp. is in the 80"s and sunny. With gas prices going through the ceiling, we live close to the lake. We have beautiful trees to shade the house. The Lord has gifted us with a beautiful house, and great friends.
This weekend , our rock band is playing once again in Lakeside. We disbanded last year, but was asked to play one more time. We will set aside our walkers,wheelchairs, and canes to play one more time. The Fudge shop in Lakeside is celebrating their anniversary on Saturday, and we will play outside from 1-3 . We are not quite that old, but we haven't played together in almost a year, and will do it without rehearsal.
Gas prices has made me ride my bike more. This is good exercise for my heart, so I have to thank the greed of big business, the ineptness of politicians, and the ignorance of lots of people to get me off my butt.
I pray for our Governor who lies through her teeth to save her butt. I pray for our elected officials who lie through their teeth to save their butts and destroy the other party. I pray for the big business that misuses their constitutional right to make a profit, and rape Americans.
Keep the sun shinning in Michigan. Tell your elected officials that you are praying for them to stop their lies and work for Michigan. Ride a bike, car pool, walk, and do what you can to save gas. If you buy less gas, your politicians in this state will realize what a budget crisis really is. The money that they receive due to high gas prices will be gone. They will have to tell the truth of where the gas taxes are going. God does work through prayers.
It seems like yesterday that I was bitching because of bad weather. Lately the weather has been beautiful. The temp. is in the 80"s and sunny. With gas prices going through the ceiling, we live close to the lake. We have beautiful trees to shade the house. The Lord has gifted us with a beautiful house, and great friends.
This weekend , our rock band is playing once again in Lakeside. We disbanded last year, but was asked to play one more time. We will set aside our walkers,wheelchairs, and canes to play one more time. The Fudge shop in Lakeside is celebrating their anniversary on Saturday, and we will play outside from 1-3 . We are not quite that old, but we haven't played together in almost a year, and will do it without rehearsal.
Gas prices has made me ride my bike more. This is good exercise for my heart, so I have to thank the greed of big business, the ineptness of politicians, and the ignorance of lots of people to get me off my butt.
I pray for our Governor who lies through her teeth to save her butt. I pray for our elected officials who lie through their teeth to save their butts and destroy the other party. I pray for the big business that misuses their constitutional right to make a profit, and rape Americans.
Keep the sun shinning in Michigan. Tell your elected officials that you are praying for them to stop their lies and work for Michigan. Ride a bike, car pool, walk, and do what you can to save gas. If you buy less gas, your politicians in this state will realize what a budget crisis really is. The money that they receive due to high gas prices will be gone. They will have to tell the truth of where the gas taxes are going. God does work through prayers.
Monday, May 21, 2007
I recently picked a new primary care doctor. After two visits and exhaustive lab tests, he said I was doing "fairly well" for my age. A little concerned about that comment, I couldn't resist asking him, "Do you think I'll live to be 80?"
He asked, "Do you smoke tobacco, or drink beer or wine?" "Oh no,"I replied. "I'm not doing drugs, either!"
Then he asked, "Do you eat rib-eye steaks and barbecued ribs?" I said, "No, my former doctor said that all red meat is very unhealthy!"
"Do you spend a lot of time in the sun, like tennis, sailing, hiking, or bicycling?" "No, I don't," I said.
He asked, "Do you gamble, drive fast cars, or have a lot of sex?" "No," I said.
He looked at me and said, "Then, why do you even give a shit?"
He asked, "Do you smoke tobacco, or drink beer or wine?" "Oh no,"I replied. "I'm not doing drugs, either!"
Then he asked, "Do you eat rib-eye steaks and barbecued ribs?" I said, "No, my former doctor said that all red meat is very unhealthy!"
"Do you spend a lot of time in the sun, like tennis, sailing, hiking, or bicycling?" "No, I don't," I said.
He asked, "Do you gamble, drive fast cars, or have a lot of sex?" "No," I said.
He looked at me and said, "Then, why do you even give a shit?"
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
The Great Gas Out.
The great gas out, the day where people boycott the gas station, has come and gone. In my past blogs I explained why this would not work and what would happen if they had a gas out day. I just didn't realize it would happen so fast and with such vengeance. The gas companies showed us who is in control. They bumped the gas up twenty cents per gallon. Today it is expected that they will raise it another twenty cents or more per gallon. The word from the gas and oil companies is very clear. "Don't mess with us, you are dependent on us and we can pull the rug out from under you at any time we want." " If you don't like it, complain to your elected officials."
They know that this will have no effect for the following reasons
1) Every time the gas prices go up, the state and federal govt. gets more tax revenue.
2) This is a democracy, supply and demand, and people have a right to make a profit.
3) If you don't like the price, don't buy the gas.
Then you have to love their excuses for raising the price.
1) Hurricanes
2) Refineries on recess
3) Demand is up
4) The war in Iraq.
5) Government regulations
7) etc.................
You want answers? You want the truth? "You can't handle the truth."
1) Boycott one brand of Gas for a month. Then move on to the next brand. United they stand, divided they fall.
2) All new vehicles have to get more then 25 miles per gallon.
3) Remove all the taxes on gas, and put it on alcohol.
Finally, have the Governor and state officials explain where all the taxes from gas sales are going. The state is having the largest windfall of tax revenue, and the Gov. wants to raise your taxes.
The elected officials are screwing you and raising the cost of the vasaline to do it.
The great gas out, the day where people boycott the gas station, has come and gone. In my past blogs I explained why this would not work and what would happen if they had a gas out day. I just didn't realize it would happen so fast and with such vengeance. The gas companies showed us who is in control. They bumped the gas up twenty cents per gallon. Today it is expected that they will raise it another twenty cents or more per gallon. The word from the gas and oil companies is very clear. "Don't mess with us, you are dependent on us and we can pull the rug out from under you at any time we want." " If you don't like it, complain to your elected officials."
They know that this will have no effect for the following reasons
1) Every time the gas prices go up, the state and federal govt. gets more tax revenue.
2) This is a democracy, supply and demand, and people have a right to make a profit.
3) If you don't like the price, don't buy the gas.
Then you have to love their excuses for raising the price.
1) Hurricanes
2) Refineries on recess
3) Demand is up
4) The war in Iraq.
5) Government regulations
7) etc.................
You want answers? You want the truth? "You can't handle the truth."
1) Boycott one brand of Gas for a month. Then move on to the next brand. United they stand, divided they fall.
2) All new vehicles have to get more then 25 miles per gallon.
3) Remove all the taxes on gas, and put it on alcohol.
Finally, have the Governor and state officials explain where all the taxes from gas sales are going. The state is having the largest windfall of tax revenue, and the Gov. wants to raise your taxes.
The elected officials are screwing you and raising the cost of the vasaline to do it.
Monday, May 14, 2007
I was sent the following from a friend and I thought I would share it with you all. This is also what heart attacks are made of.
What gives parents gray hair... A father passing by his son's bedroom was astonished to see the bed nicely made and everything neat and tidy. Then he saw an envelope propped up prominently on the pillow. It was addressed, "Dad". With the worst premonition, he opened the envelope and read the letter with trembling hands:
Dear Dad, It is with great regret and sorrow that I'm writing you. I had to elope with my new girlfriend because I wanted to avoid a scene with you and Mom. I've been finding real passion with Joan and she is so nice. I knew you would not approve of her because of all her piercing, tattoos, and her tight motorcycle clothes and because she is so much older than I am but it's not only the passion, Dad---she's pregnant. Joan says that we are going to be very happy. She owns a trailer in the woods and has a stack of firewood---enough for the whole winter. We share a dream of having many more children. Joan has opened my eyes to the fact that marijuana doesn't really hurt anyone. We'll be growing it and trading it with the other people in the commune for all the cocaine and ecstasy we want. In the meantime, we'll pray that science will find a cure for AIDS so Joan can get better---she sure deserves it! Don't worry Dad---I'm 15 years old now and I know how to take care of myself. Someday, I'm sure we'll be back to visit so you can get to know your grandchildren.
Your son, Chad
P.S. Dad, None of the above is true. I'm over at Tommy's house. I just wanted to remind you that there are worse things in life than the report card that's in my desk drawer. I love you! Call when it's safe for me to come home.
What gives parents gray hair... A father passing by his son's bedroom was astonished to see the bed nicely made and everything neat and tidy. Then he saw an envelope propped up prominently on the pillow. It was addressed, "Dad". With the worst premonition, he opened the envelope and read the letter with trembling hands:
Dear Dad, It is with great regret and sorrow that I'm writing you. I had to elope with my new girlfriend because I wanted to avoid a scene with you and Mom. I've been finding real passion with Joan and she is so nice. I knew you would not approve of her because of all her piercing, tattoos, and her tight motorcycle clothes and because she is so much older than I am but it's not only the passion, Dad---she's pregnant. Joan says that we are going to be very happy. She owns a trailer in the woods and has a stack of firewood---enough for the whole winter. We share a dream of having many more children. Joan has opened my eyes to the fact that marijuana doesn't really hurt anyone. We'll be growing it and trading it with the other people in the commune for all the cocaine and ecstasy we want. In the meantime, we'll pray that science will find a cure for AIDS so Joan can get better---she sure deserves it! Don't worry Dad---I'm 15 years old now and I know how to take care of myself. Someday, I'm sure we'll be back to visit so you can get to know your grandchildren.
Your son, Chad
P.S. Dad, None of the above is true. I'm over at Tommy's house. I just wanted to remind you that there are worse things in life than the report card that's in my desk drawer. I love you! Call when it's safe for me to come home.
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
I realized after my last blog that I will most likely be called homophobic.
I was told by another pastor that you should never do a sermon on homosexuality or racism because you will be called a homophobic or a racist.
Take your best shot. Both are sins and should be talked about. Everyone has an opinion, and just because you may not agree with them, you shouldn't take to name calling.
Did you ever notice that in politics there is always a right and a wrong. Someone always has to be wrong. There is good reason for this. If we all agreed on everything, there would be no need for political parties thus putting half the politicians out of a job. In the same vane, if there was no sin, we would all live in Harmony, love, and understanding. Even though this is impossible, maybe we could just try. A little less categorizing and name calling will be a good start.
I realized after my last blog that I will most likely be called homophobic.
I was told by another pastor that you should never do a sermon on homosexuality or racism because you will be called a homophobic or a racist.
Take your best shot. Both are sins and should be talked about. Everyone has an opinion, and just because you may not agree with them, you shouldn't take to name calling.
Did you ever notice that in politics there is always a right and a wrong. Someone always has to be wrong. There is good reason for this. If we all agreed on everything, there would be no need for political parties thus putting half the politicians out of a job. In the same vane, if there was no sin, we would all live in Harmony, love, and understanding. Even though this is impossible, maybe we could just try. A little less categorizing and name calling will be a good start.
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
This past Sunday, I heard a pastor refer to God as man or women. I believe that this is the most ignorant statement I have ever heard. Quoting from the bible, "God is a spirit, and those who worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth." Once again you have the ignorant reply that" Man was made in the image of God." If you take that passage literally, than women was made in the image of man, because she came from Adam's rib. Why then is women different then man? God is not gender based. We call God "him" for the same reason we call a ship, "her". Our small intellect has no other way of discerning.
The same people come up with idea that homosexuality is right. The Bible clearly states that this is a sin. Do you then hate the gay person? Let's see, "We have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God." Of course you don't hate or ignore the gay person. The same as you don't hate and ignore all people who have sinned.
Let's not make our faith more complicated. Love God, and love each other.
Now that I have that off my chest, I can smile again.
The same people come up with idea that homosexuality is right. The Bible clearly states that this is a sin. Do you then hate the gay person? Let's see, "We have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God." Of course you don't hate or ignore the gay person. The same as you don't hate and ignore all people who have sinned.
Let's not make our faith more complicated. Love God, and love each other.
Now that I have that off my chest, I can smile again.
Friday, May 04, 2007
The elderly priest, speaking to the younger priest, said,"It was a good idea to replace the first four pews with plush bucket theater seats. It worked like a charm. The front of the church always fills first now." The young priest nodded, and the old priest continued, "And you told me adding a little more beat to the music would bring young people back to church, so I supported you when you brought in that rock'n'roll gospel choir. Now our services are consistently packed to the balcony."
"Thank you, Father," answered the young priest. "I am pleased that you are open to the new ideas of youth." "All of these ideas have been well and good," said the elderly priest, "But I'm afraid you've gone too far with the drive-thru confessional." "But, Father," protested the young priest , "my confessions and the donations have nearly doubled since I began that!" "Yes," replied the elderly priest, "And I appreciate that. But the flashing neon sign, 'Toot 'n Tell or Go to Hell' cannot stay on the church roof.
"Thank you, Father," answered the young priest. "I am pleased that you are open to the new ideas of youth." "All of these ideas have been well and good," said the elderly priest, "But I'm afraid you've gone too far with the drive-thru confessional." "But, Father," protested the young priest , "my confessions and the donations have nearly doubled since I began that!" "Yes," replied the elderly priest, "And I appreciate that. But the flashing neon sign, 'Toot 'n Tell or Go to Hell' cannot stay on the church roof.
Thursday, May 03, 2007
I just received an email that was informing me of a "gas out" on May 15th. To protest the rising cost of gas, they are incouraging people to boycott and not buy gas on that day. In my humble opinion this will only cause two things to happen. The dealers will lose money and that can't be all bad, and the the giants will lose money. The giants will pass on the losses to the dealers, and they will pass it on to you in price increase at the pump. You want to hurt them, ride a bike. Don't wait till your tank is empty, fill it every day with small amounts. ( Less then $5.)
Most gas station have food and drinks. Cut back on buying these items.
In this state where unemployment is high, cost of living is rising, the Govenor wants to tax everyone to save her job, and now Gas is over $3.00 per gallon. She wants a gas tax. a liquer tax, a boat tax, in other words, a fun tax. You must remember that your elected officials are backed by the same people that are sticking it to you. Have a fun day.
Most gas station have food and drinks. Cut back on buying these items.
In this state where unemployment is high, cost of living is rising, the Govenor wants to tax everyone to save her job, and now Gas is over $3.00 per gallon. She wants a gas tax. a liquer tax, a boat tax, in other words, a fun tax. You must remember that your elected officials are backed by the same people that are sticking it to you. Have a fun day.
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Subject: For all the dirty minds
For all the dirty minds......
An 85-year-old man was requested by his doctor for a sperm count as partof his physical exam.
The doctor gave the man a jar and said, "Take this jar home and bringback a semen sample tomorrow."
The next day the 85-year-old man reappeared at the doctor's office andgave him the jar, which was as clean and empty as on the previous day.
The doctor asked what happened and the man explained, "Well, doc, it'slike this - first I tried with my right hand, but nothing.
Then I tried with my left hand, but still nothing.
Then I asked my wife for help.
She tried with her right hand, then with her left, still nothing.
She tried with her mouth, first with the teeth in, then with her teethout, still nothing.
We even called up Arleen, the lady next door and she tried too, firstwith both hands, then an armpit, and she even tried squeezin' it betweenher knees, but still nothing.
The doctor was shocked! "You asked your neighbour?"
The old man replied, "Yep, none of us could get the jar open.
For all the dirty minds......
An 85-year-old man was requested by his doctor for a sperm count as partof his physical exam.
The doctor gave the man a jar and said, "Take this jar home and bringback a semen sample tomorrow."
The next day the 85-year-old man reappeared at the doctor's office andgave him the jar, which was as clean and empty as on the previous day.
The doctor asked what happened and the man explained, "Well, doc, it'slike this - first I tried with my right hand, but nothing.
Then I tried with my left hand, but still nothing.
Then I asked my wife for help.
She tried with her right hand, then with her left, still nothing.
She tried with her mouth, first with the teeth in, then with her teethout, still nothing.
We even called up Arleen, the lady next door and she tried too, firstwith both hands, then an armpit, and she even tried squeezin' it betweenher knees, but still nothing.
The doctor was shocked! "You asked your neighbour?"
The old man replied, "Yep, none of us could get the jar open.
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