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Friday, June 11, 2010

I am speechless...... People want the government to step in financially to heal the ills caused by BP's oil spill. Even people on the far right are calling for the president to step in. OMG. These are the same people that don't want to pay for a national health care because it will put us in debt. LMO.

TEA PARTY. A non movement that is gaining strength by bogus counts on newscast. If they had a million man march, 2 million would be counted. Keep those camera angle close. The truth is less than 1% show up to the rallies.

Sara Palin knows the truth because she can see Russia from her house.

Quote.... People are against windmills in Lake Michigan because they fear what happened in the Gulf will happen here, ?????????????????????????????? These same people will move next to train track, and complain about the noise a windmill will make. They will then want the train to move.

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