I was just listening to the Edwin Hawkins Singers singing "o Happy Day." A simple song with a simple message. The message is, "O happy day when Jesus washed my sins away." This song made the top ten pop songs many years ago. Today the message would be lost as well as the song. It would be deemed offensive and politically incorrect.
I saw a show on TV that was called the Black Actors Awards. Now if they had a White Actors award it would be called racist and politically incorrect.
Dr. King said to judge a person not by the color of his skin. University of Michigan apposes this by favoring blacks over whites. Even though they are against the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, they consider themselves racially sensitive and politically correct. They call it affirmative action. This was a tool used to level the field for all people.
This past week has seen three sports announcers removed from their jobs for make racially insensative remarks. Freedom of speach is for everyone, as long as it does not violate laws .
Maybe we should see how we can get along with our brothers, instead of finding a wasy to piss him off. Lets not pick out our shortcomings, but rejoice in this melting pot we call freedom.
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