This is my father and me. He is in a rest home in Grand Rapids. He has had Althimerz since 2001. For the last three years he has been about the same. He doesn't really know anyone, can't walk, can't hold a conversation, and can't remember what he just said, and can't hold his bladder. He has to be changed, and has to have help feeding himself. When he is awake, he sits in his chair and watches everyone.
The reason I bring him up, is that when I feel down, I look at him and thank God that I am better off.. In that same breath, I wish I could take that away from him because he does not deserve it. After all he goes through, he always has a smile for everyone.
With my disablilities from high blood preasure, heart desease, and depression, maybe I need to smile alittle more. Maybe that is what my Dad is still teaching me.
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