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Monday, October 23, 2006

Sunday's Muskegon Chronicle had an article about a family that donated film and diaries from the start of Nazi occupation of Austria. This occupation was not military and was at first welcomed by Austrians. The persacution of the Jews started with half truths and deceptive political messages. Todays politicians use the same methods. It give me a chill when I see republican and democrats using history as their advertising platforms. They seem to think that if it worked for the nazis it will work for them. Our political parties today are as bad as the early nazi party. They lie to the people, and the people believe them because they want something better. Don't give away your rights to a political party. If a person running for office, hasnt done the job, replace them. Don't listen to excuses. DON'T VOTE ALONG PARTY LINE. Granholm hasn't done the job, replace her. Legislature hasn't done the job, replace them. It is that simple.

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