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Wednesday, November 01, 2006


This week I have another one of those days. It only happens once a year and maybe most people will remember what birthdays are for. NOTHING. You get to be reminded that you are getting older. My grey hair, flabby mid section, fleeting memory, and other physical things remind me daily.
People get to sing to you. Most people who sing to you shouldn't sing at all.
I'm on the other side of the hill and it is all downhill from here. I don't have brakes.
With age come wisdom. BS Just ask my kids. I'm as dumb as dirt and just as old.

My birthday reminds me that my wifes birthday is in 10 days. She gets prettier every year and I am so lucky. Thats why I like to celebrate her birthday.

My birthday also reminds me that halloween is over, and my mask is still attached and real.

Before you start feeling sorry for me, don't. God has given me a great life. I come from a great family, I have a great wife and kids whom I love dearly. Who needs lots of money..................................... A little money might be nice.

Before anyone asks how old I am, you must answer these questions.
1- Do you like your front teeth.
2- I know where you live.
3- My name is not in the obituaries, will yours be?
4- I just might have pictures of you that you don't want published.

WHY IS THERE BIRTHDAY CAKE?. Everyone might have a piece, and the rest gets old and thrown away. Kind of reminds me of getting older.

Well, Im back to designing my retirement home. What is the best way to waterproof a refrigerator box?

1 comment:

Clif Martin said...

Happy birthday, fellow geezer. May your various organs continue to perform well. And may your pianos stay in tune.